Christian von Rantzau

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Christian von Rantzau , Danish : Christian Rantzau-Friis (* October 21, 1682 ; † May 15, 1731 ), was a Danish lieutenant general .



Christian was a member of the well-known noble family Rantzau . His parents were the Danish Lieutenant General Johann von Rantzau (1650–1708) and his second wife Sophia Amalia Friis (1651–1696).


Like his father, he joined the Danish army and became a cornet in 1700 . He accompanied his father to the Dutch theater of war of the War of the Spanish Succession and was ibid Adjutant General of the Duke of Marlborough . After that he advanced quickly and in 1708 finally became colonel and chief of his father's regiment.

Rantzau took over on April 22, 1716 as chief of the Baudissin cavalry regiment . The following year he was promoted to major general , but no longer actively participated in the Great Northern War . In 1722 he received his farewell .

Rantzau inherited from his uncle, the Danish Colonel Christian Friis (1652-1727), in July 1727 the family farm Hevringholm with Essenbæk and Tustrup. On May 3, 1728, a royal approval was issued to name and coat of arms association Rantzau-Friis .

In 1731, shortly before his death, he was given the character of lieutenant general.


Rantzau married Anna Benedicte Steensen († 1756), who, as a widow, entered into a second marriage in 1732 with the Danish Minister of War Christian Carl Gabel (1679–1748). Rantzau left no children.


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Individual evidence

  1. Jonathan Smith: On the history of the Oldenburg army during the Danish period 1667–1773. In: Oldenburger Jahrbuch, Vol. 44/45. 1940/41 (1941), p. 56.