Christoph Chappuzeau (secret secretary)

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Christoph Chappuzeau in 1699;
Oil painting by Lafontaine in the Bomann Museum

Christoph Chappuzeau (also: Christophe Chappuzeau ; born November 15, 1656 in Amsterdam , † March 11, 1734 in Celle ) was a presbyter and secret chamber secretary . His correspondence with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz is part of the world document heritage .


Christophe Chappuzeau was born in Amsterdam a few years after the Thirty Years' War as the son of the Parisian maid Samuel Chappuzeau and Maria de la Serra . From 1676 he worked at the court in Celle and was the secret secretary of Duke Georg Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Lüneburg .

In addition to his professional activities had Chappuzeau as a presbyter of the Huguenots - community in Celle.

The secret chamber secretary married Anna Katharina Plaumbaum on October 17, 1681 in the chapel of Celle Castle . So he became brother-in-law of the Lüneburg archivist and librarian Johann Heinrich Büttner (1666–1746). The daughter Susanna Elisabeth Chappuzeau, born on June 15, 1702 in Celle, grew out of the marriage . Chappuzeau, who gave up his title of nobility , became the progenitor of all Chappuzeau living in Hanover .

Meanwhile, Chappuzeau had sent thirteen handwritten letters to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz between October 24, 1693 and November 24, 1696, which have survived to this day.

The secret chamber secretary was buried in the Neuenhausen churchyard in Celle.

The Bomann Museum has a painting depicting Chappuzeau by the painter Georg Wilhelm Lafontaine .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Christoph Weber (responsible): Christoph Chappuzeau , genealogical representation on the website of the family foundation Hofgärtner Hermann Sello [undated], last accessed on February 22, 2020
  2. a b c o. V .: Chappuzeau, Christophe in the database of Niedersächsische Personen ( new entry required ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library in the version of February 9, 2016, last accessed on February 22, 2020
  3. a b c d e f Chappuzeau, Christophe (March 11, 1734) in the personal and correspondence database of the Leibniz Edition on the website of the University of Göttingen
  4. ^ Journal of the Historical Association for Lower Saxony (1880), p. 272; Preview over google books