Christoph Eberle (engineer)

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Christoph Eberle (born December 7, 1869 in Oberauerbach ; † September 30, 1929 in Darmstadt ) was a German mechanical engineer and professor for heat engineering and heat management at the TH Darmstadt .


Eberle studied mechanical engineering at the TH Darmstadt and obtained his diploma in 1893 . From 1895 he worked as a senior teacher at the mechanical engineering school in Duisburg . In Munich in 1899 he became head of the newly created economic department of the Bavarian Steam Boiler Auditing Association. Between 1910 and 1917 he was an assistant at the TH Karlsruhe . He then became general director of the Steinbeiss companies in Brannenburg . In 1921 Eberle was appointed full professor for heat engineering and heat management at the TH Darmstadt. Between 1924 and 1925 he was dean of the department for mechanical engineering and paper engineering at the TH Darmstadt. He was rector of the TH Darmstadt in 1925/26 and 1929/30.


  • Experiments on the loss of heat and tension during the transfer of saturated and superheated water vapor. Berlin 1909.
  • Studies on the heat consumption of the apartment. Berlin 1931.
  • The heating of school buildings. Munich 1931.
  • Cost of power generation. Halle / Saale 1898.

Individual evidence

  1. Eberle, Christoph. Hessian biography. (As of February 28, 2013). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).


  • Christoph Eberle †. In: Journal of the Association of German Engineers , Volume 73, No. 48 (November 30, 1929), p. 1710.