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below Chuco microphthalmus, the type species of the genus Chuco, above Cribroheros rostratus

below Chuco microphthalmus , the type species of the genus Chuco , above Cribroheros rostratus

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Cichlinae
Tribe : Heroini
Genre : Chuco
Scientific name
Fernández-Yépez , 1969

Chuco is a genus of Central American cichlids found in southeastern Mexico and Guatemala in the Usumacinta , Río Grijalva , Río Polochic and Río Motagua river basins.


Chuco species grow to be 20 to 30 cm long and have a moderately elongated, laterally flattened body and a rounded forehead profile that becomes a slight hump in old males. During reproduction, the females acquire a contrasting color with bandages and spots. The lower longitudinal strip and the first or second transverse band form an L-shaped drawing. During the breeding season, the underside of the head and the belly are black (typical brood color of the Herichthyines ). The dorsal and anal fins are slightly scaled at their base. On the premaxillary and in the lower jaw, the teeth in the first row are two-pointed. The front central jaw teeth are greatly enlarged, their tips curved backwards. All teeth are pointed and flattened on the labiolingual (lip and tongue side). The genus has an increased number (15) of trunk vertebrae (abdominal vertebrae), 16 tail vertebrae (caudal vertebrae) and 4 vertebrae in the caudal peduncle. The number of scales along the sidelines is also relatively high, at 31 to 32. Chuco differs from Paraneetroplus and Rheoheros in the doubling of the fourth and fifth transverse tie on the sides of the body, from Theraps through the higher body and the less elongated trunk and tail stalk, from Cincelichthys through the longer tail stalk and a different tooth morphology (no chisel-like teeth) and from Wajpamheros due to the lack of adaptations in the skull morphology to the diet through growth.


There are currently three species in the genus:


The genus Chuco was introduced in 1969 by the Mexican ichthyologist Agustin Fernández-Yépez, but later synonymous with Cichlasoma , Theraps or Vieja by various authors . Individual species assigned to Chuco were temporarily also part of Tomocichla or Paraneetroplus . In April 2016, Chuco was revalidated by a team of Czech ichthyologists .
