Claudio Borghi (politician)

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Claudio Borghi, 2018

Claudio Borghi , actually Claudio Borghi Aquilini , (born June 6, 1970 in Milan ), is an Italian politician of the Lega Nord party , its economic spokesman and economist . Before his time as a politician, he was a senior banker at Deutsche Bank , honorary professor at various Italian universities , journalist , political advisor and lobbyist .


He studied economics and economics with a focus on financial markets at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. He had already made a name for himself inside and outside the university during his studies. He was a scholarship winner of the Italian Stock Exchange, received a high distinction from the Italian Association of Financial Analysts, of which he is today, and won the Agostino Gemelli Prize for the best graduate of the final year of his degree.

As a working student, he began to work on his later career early on. In his first year of study he worked in a local Milan stock brokerage firm, later on the Milan stock exchange and other stock exchanges and various regional and major banks (including Deutsche Bank).

Financial market

Shortly before the end of his studies, he returned to the service of Deutsche Bank, where he had already made a short stopover as a working student and was entrusted with the management of the "Italian Equity Business" at the age of 24. After two years he moved to the investment bank Merrill Lynch , where he became director for national stock exchange trading in Italy. In 2006 he was drawn to Deutsche Bank again. At the age of 35, he has now reached the highest management level of the bank that can be reached outside of Germany as director for the bank's entire Italian business. There he ended his operational career in investment banking after only three years to devote himself to family, teaching, and political and journalistic activities.

Research and Teaching

After finishing his career in the financial sector, he taught as a university lecturer for eight years at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan at the Chair of Economics of Financial Intermediaries (economics with a focus on financial intermediaries) and did research primarily in the areas of the economics of credit companies and economics in the art market . On the subject of the economy of art , he published the book Investire nell'Arte . He taught in this profession also master classes at the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali in Rome and the Istituto Europeo di Design , the European design school in Venice .

Journalism and political advisory services

From 2010 he worked as an independent journalist in the fields of advertising journalism and the international art market and is still a business columnist for the daily Il Giornale . In addition, the line between academic authorship is blurred in hundreds of editorials and comments from various specialist journals.

As of August 2011, he was among the first to demonstrate the damage that he believed the euro is causing the Italian economy. In March 2012 he published an in-depth analysis for the Italian Association of Financial Analysts in Support of Italy's Exit from the Euro . In January 2013 in Brussels (the only Italian), together with economists from various European countries, he presented the European Solidarity Manifesto , one of the first public proposals for the controlled segmentation of the Eurozone.

From 2013, he also worked as a consultant on economic issues with Matteo Salvini and the Lega Nord . In 2014 he wrote the Basta Euro handbook on behalf of the party , which was distributed in an edition of several hundred thousand copies.


Political party

In October 2014 he was elected to the executive committee of the Lega Nord, where he takes the position of chief economist. Immediately after his election - in order to avoid conflicts of interest - he stopped teaching at all (higher) schools in the country.

As a controversial talk guest, he is now one of the most frequent participants in the political rounds of all major Italian TV channels, not only when they are about fiscal or monetary issues (euro crisis, etc.).

European elections 2014

On the occasion of the European elections in 2014 , he ran in a Tuscan constituency, but could not make the leap into the European Parliament.

Regional council election 2015

In the 2015 regional council elections, he won a regional council mandate for the Tuscany region on the joint list of Lega Nord and Fratelli d'Italia . He was also a candidate for the presidency of Tuscany, but was narrowly defeated by Enrico Rossi in the parliamentary vote on June 30, 2015, but became the second-placed opposition leader in the regional council.

In 2016 he was deputy chairman of the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena commission of inquiry .

Local elections 2017

In the municipal elections of June 2017 he was appointed to the city council of Como selected. At the meeting on April 11, 2018, he announced his resignation and Roberto Biasci took over his mandate.

National parliamentary election 2018

In the election of the national parliament in Rome , he won a mandate for the Lega Nord. In the coalition negotiations between the 5-star movement and Lega Nord, the expert group was part of the economy. In the following phase of Contes government formation , he appeared as a sharp critic of the President Sergio Mattarella , who rejected the cabinet distribution because of the proposal by Paolo Savona . The economist, who the government wanted to become Minister of Economics, had in the past, like Borghi, advocated Italy's exit from the euro. After his rejection by Mattarelle, Borghi castigated his presidential policy as a "violation of civil rights", since "a citizen could not become a minister because of his opinion".


In 2014 he paid a fine of 15,000 euros imposed on him for “irregularities and deficiencies in the disbursement and control of loans”. The administrative offense was committed in 2013 as a member of the Board of Directors of Banca Arner . On October 9, 2018, the civil division of the Supreme Court dismissed Borghi's appeal. In 2018 it became known that he had helped investigative authorities to uncover and arrest a gang of counterfeiters of works of art.


Individual evidence

  1. Minibots: “Liro” as national government money for Italy? , Ludwig Erhard Foundation , last accessed on February 4, 2019
  2. a b c d Claudio Borghi , Tuscany Region, Administration Homepage, last accessed on February 2, 2019
  3. ^ European Solidarity Manifesto , concept paper by international economists, last accessed on February 2, 2019
  4. Il deputato leghista Claudio Borghi sgomina una banda di falsari , La Verita, Italian newspaper, last downloaded February 4, 2019