Coast Mountains

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Coast Mountains
Location of the Coast Mountains in North America

Location of the Coast Mountains in North America

Highest peak Mount Waddington ( 4019  m )
location British Columbia (Canada)
Coordinates 51 ° 23 ′  N , 125 ° 15 ′  W Coordinates: 51 ° 23 ′  N , 125 ° 15 ′  W

The Coast Mountains (dt. " Coast Mountains ") are a mountain range in Canada . They extend predominantly along the Canadian Pacific coast from the Alaska Panhandle in the north to the Cascade Range in the south - the Fraser River , British Columbia's longest river , forms the southern limit.


The Coast Mountains are a mountain range about 85 million years old. They emerged from flat granite hills that were unfolded by plate tectonics. Magma penetrated between the plates, moving them northward. Magma reached the earth's surface through cracks and formed volcanoes. In a few million years the coastal hills were transformed into mountains. The densely forested mountain range, interrupted by numerous fjords , is around 1,600 km long and an average of 200 km wide. The highest point is Mount Waddington with 4019 meters. The Ha-Iltzuk Ice Field surrounding Silverthrone Mountain is the largest ice field in the Coast Mountains.

The coastal mountains form part of the series of contiguous mountain ranges on the North American Pacific . These mountain ranges range from the Alaska Range , the Elias Range , the Cascade Range and the Sierra Nevada to the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico .

From the south the Cascade Volcanic Arc extends into the Coast Mountains. This is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire , even if there are currently no active volcanoes here. The inactive volcanoes of the "Cascade Volcanic Arc" include Mount Cayley ( 2377  m ), Mount Garibaldi ( 2678  m ) or Mount Edziza ( 2793  m ).

Significant mountains

Further subdivision

Plate tectonic situation 70 mya . On the western continental margin, the Kula plate is pushed ( subducted ) under the
North American plate .

The Coast Mountains are divided into several mountain ranges:

See also

Web links

Commons : Coast Mountains  - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files