Colijn de Coter

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Madonna and Child crowned by angels
The Holy Trinity, with God the Father supporting Christ
Baptism of St. Libertus (1490)

Colijn de Coter (* 1450 ; † 1539 or 1540 ) is a Flemish painter who worked in the second half of the 15th century. His works include a Madonna sitting under a canopy, crowned by two angels.

Live and act

De Coter is said to have been a pupil of the painter Rogier van der Weyden in Brussels, together with Vrancke van der Stockt and Pieter van der Weyden (1437 – after 1514) , who ran a debt there. He came to Antwerp around 1493, at least if one can assume that he was with Colijn van Bruesele, who can be found there in the Antwerp guild lists of that time. The Orsoy Passion Altar in the St. Nicholas Church in Orsoy by the master of Orsoy named after him comes from the workshop of de Coter .


  • Hélène Adhémar: Le Musée National du Louvre, Paris (= Les Primitifs Flamands. 1: Corpus de la Peinture des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux au Quinzième Siècle. 5). Volume 1. Center National de Recherches “Primitifs Flamands”, Brussels 1962, pp. 73-100.
  • Walter Cohen : Coter, Colijn de . In: Ulrich Thieme (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 7 : Cioffi – Cousyns . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1912, p. 552–553 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive ).
  • Jozef Duverger: Brussels as an art center in the XIVe en de XVe eeuw. (= Bouwstoffen tot de Nederlandsche Kunstgeschiedenis. Volume 3, ZDB -ID 1220568-0 ). De Sikkel, Antwerp et al. 1935, p. 68.
  • Max J. Friedländer : The Brussels panel painting towards the end of the 15th century. In: Paul Clemen: Belgian art monuments. Volume 1: From the 9th to the end of the 15th century. F. Bruckmann, Munich 1923, pp. 309-320.
  • Jacqueline Folie: Les œuvres authentifiées des primitifs flamands. In: Bulletin de l'institut royal du patrimoine artistique. Vol. 6, 1963, ISSN  0085-1892 , pp. 183-188.
  • Josef Giesen : Colyn de Coter. A painter in the shadow of great contemporaries. In: Art and the beautiful home. Volume 8, 1971, ISSN  0023-5423 , pp. 467-471.
  • Catheline Périer-D'Ieteren: Les volets peints des retables bruxellois conservés en Suède et le rayonnement de Colyn de Coter. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien et al., Stockholm 1984, ISBN 91-7402-143-5 .
  • Catheline Périer-D'Ieteren: Colyn de Coter et la technique picturale des peintres flamands du XVe siècle. Lefebvre & Gillet, Brussels 1985, ISBN 2-87148-002-8 .
  • Catheline Périer-D'Ieteren: coter, Colijn de . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 21, Saur, Munich a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-598-22761-2 , p. 504.
  • Fabienne Joubert: La tenture de chœur de Saint-Etienne d'Auxerre et la peinture bruxelloise vers 1500. In: Revue de l'Art. Volume 75, 1987, ISSN  0035-1326 , pp. 37-42 ( ).
  • Jeanne Maquet-Tombu: Colyn de Coter. Peintre Bruxellois. Nouvelle Société d'Éditions, Brussels 1937.
  • Egbert Pelinck: Cornelis Engebrechtz, de herkomst van zijn art. In. Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek. Volume 2, 1948/1949, ISSN  0169-6726 , pp. 40-43.
  • Dirk de Vos: A new fragment of the “Last Judgment” by Colijn de Coter. In: Bruckmann's Pantheon. Volume 44, 1986, ISSN  0720-0056 , pp. 27-29.
  • Dieter Pocher, Jens Amelung: The city an ornament: the parish church of St. Marien zu Güstrow, the root of living Christian faith; Festschrift for the anniversary 1308–2008 . Heidberg-Verlag, Güstrow 2008, ISBN 978-3-934776-24-1 , p. 94-136 .

Web links

Commons : Colijn de Coter  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Erwin Hensler: A newly discovered Madonna by Colijn de Coter . In: Yearbook of the Prussian Art Collections . tape 45 , 1924, ISSN  0934-618X , p. 117-120 , JSTOR : 23349158 ( ).
  2. ^ Paul F. State: Painting . In: Historical Dictionary of Brussels (=  Historical dictionaries of cities, states, and regions ). 2nd Edition. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland 2015, ISBN 978-0-8108-7921-8 , pp. 317 (English, - reading sample).
  3. ^ Max J. Friedländer: Bernard van Orley . In: Yearbook of the Prussian Art Collections . tape 29 . Weidmann, Berlin 1908, p. 225–246, here pp. 228–237 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).