Conrad Kayser

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Conrad Kayser (born August 26, 1880 in Achern near Offenburg , † February 20, 1954 there ) was a German landscape painter .

Childhood and youth

Kayser was born as the fifth of ten children of the Protestant pastor Konrad Kayser and his wife Jenny Paula Kayser (née Katz). Kayser's father in the mental hospital was Illenau active in Achern.

In 1898 Kayser attended his first art lessons in the graphic studio of the Städel Art Institute in Frankfurt am Main with Bernhard Mannfeld . In 1900 he began to study art at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe with Ernst Schurth and Caspar Ritter . During this time he also had close contact with Hans Thoma , the director of the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe . This shaped him artistically and later earned him the name "Thoma des Sasbachwaldener Tals ".

Painter in Sasbachwalden

In 1905/06 Kayser attended painting classes at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart in the painting class of Carlos Grethe . In 1909 he worked independently in Munich for a year and stayed in Italy and Paris for study purposes . From 1911 Kayser lived in Lauf in the Gasthaus Linde. In 1916 he was called up as a soldier in Verdun on the Western Front. In 1918 he was taken prisoner by the Americans, from which he returned to Lauf in 1919.

In 1922 Kayser moved to his parents' family home in Sasbachwalden, where he lived and worked until the end of his life. During this time he created numerous pictures of people, farms and landscapes in the area, but also in other areas of the Black Forest. His lifelong economically insecure existence prevented him from starting a family.

In 1940, on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Kayser was awarded the honorary citizenship of Sasbachwalden. The certificate was designed by the Achern painter Otto Graf .

Kayser died at the age of 74 as a result of a traffic accident.


In 2005 the “Kunstverein Conrad Kayser Sasbachwalden e. V. ”was founded to maintain Kayser's artistic legacy.

Recent exhibitions

Exhibitions of Kayser's works took place in 2004 and 2008 in Sasbachwalden.

Web links


  • Brigitte Markgraf: Conrad Kayser 1880 - 1954 - Exhibition on the occasion of the hundredth birthday of Conrad Kayser , Kappelrodeck , Achertäler Druckerei, 1980

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Conrad Kayser: Landscapes of the Black Forest. Monthly calendar / wall calendar 2015 with oil paintings by Conrad Kayser , Falk Foundation, Freiburg 2014, p. 2 (biography).
  2. a b c founding history . In: Kunstverein Conrad Kayser Sasbachwalden eV Retrieved on December 4, 2014.
  3. namesake . In: Kunstverein Conrad Kayser Sasbachwalden eV Retrieved on December 4, 2014.
  4. Portraits of Conrad Kayser in the Kurhaus . In: Mittelbadische Presse March 5, 2008 . Retrieved December 4, 2014.