Conrad von Saldern

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Conrad Adam Leopold von Saldern (born January 3, 1847 in Plattenburg , † June 8, 1908 in Berlin-Charlottenburg ) was a German diplomat .


Conrad von Saldern was born as the third son of Adolf von Saldern, Lord of Plattenburg, and his wife Alexandrine, nee. Born by Busch. He completed his law studies in 1870 with the trainee exam. In the meantime he served as a one-year volunteer in Uhlan Regiment No. 11 , in which he last held the rank of Rittmeister of the reserve . In 1870/71 he took part in the Franco-German War . In 1871 he entered the Prussian judicial service and was employed in the administration of the realm of Alsace-Lorraine until 1878 . In 1880 he was appointed to the Foreign Service as a candidate . In 1882 he took over the administration of the consulate in Ragusa and in 1884 the interim administration of the consulate general in Sofia . In 1885 he was temporarily used again in the Foreign Office - now with the character of Legation Councilor .

In 1887 he was appointed acting head of the imperial ministerial residence in Tangier . In the same year Saldern was seconded to the Consulate General in Warsaw , in 1888 to temporarily represent the Consul General in Odessa . In December 1888 he became consul in Tbilisi , in 1893 consul in Basel , in 1897 in Stockholm with the character of consul general. After further activity as Minister-Resident and Consul General in Bangkok , he was appointed Minister Resident in January 1903 on an extraordinary mission at the court of the Emperor of Korea and at the same time with the administration of the consulate. In March 1903 he was appointed Minister-Resident in Seoul , making him the first and only incumbent before the conquest of Korea by Japan . In 1906 he returned to the headquarters of the Foreign Office in Berlin. In June 1906 he was given temporary retirement. He died in June 1908 and was buried in the family cemetery in Plattenburg.


  • Order of the Red Eagle 2nd class with oak leaves


  • Jobst von Saldern: Stories and historical facts from the von Saldern family . Hamburg 2009, pp. 167-170