Crap Masegn

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Crap Masegn
Crap Masegn, right in the center of the picture is the cable car station of the same name

Crap Masegn, right in the center of the picture is the cable car station of the same name

height 2516  m above sea level M.
location Canton of Graubünden , Switzerland
Mountains Glarus Alps
Dominance 0.9 km →  Pign
Notch height 133 m ↓  Fuorcla da Sagogn
Coordinates 732 124  /  190257 coordinates: 46 ° 51 '1 "  N , 9 ° 10' 16"  O ; CH1903:  seven hundred thirty-two thousand one hundred twenty-four  /  190257
Crap Masegn (Canton of Graubünden)
Crap Masegn
particularities Cable car station of the same name approx. 1 kilometer southeast

The Crap Masegn is a mountain peak in Graubünden in the Swiss Alps. It belongs to the subgroup of the Glarus Alps .

The summit lies on its eastern flank on the municipality of Falera , the western one belongs to Ruschein . With a narrow strip touching Ladir .

Mountain railways

Mountain station

The station of the same name on the Crap Masegn cable car is one kilometer southeast of the actual summit on an unnamed fork between the two ridges Crest Da Tiarms and Crest La Siala . In addition to the cable car from Crap Sogn Gion , the cable cars from Treis Palas and Fuorcla end there . The facilities belong to the Flims-Laax-Falera ski area , which is marketed under the name LAAX in winter . In summer, the transport systems on Crap Masegn are not in operation and the destination is marketed under Flims .


The high-voltage line west of the Crap Masegn is known as the upstream line and is considered the highest overhead line in Europe.

Web links

Commons : Crap Masegn  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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