Cratoxylum arborescens

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Cratoxylum arborescens
Eurosiden I
Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : St. John's wort family (Hypericaceae)
Genre : Cratoxylum
Type : Cratoxylum arborescens
Scientific name
Cratoxylum arborescens
( Vahl ) flower

Cratoxylum arborescens is a tree in the St. John's wort family from Borneo , Malaya , Myanmar , Sumatra, and Thailand .


Cratoxylum arborescens grows as a large, evergreen tree to over 45 meters high. The trunk diameter reaches 120 centimeters or more. The gray to brown bark is cracked to scaly. Smaller buttress roots can occur.

The simple, leathery and opposite, bare leaves are short stalked and lanceolate to obovate, -eilanceolate. The short petiole is up to about 10-12 millimeters long. The leaves are entire and pointed, pointed to pointed, and about 5–17 centimeters long. The nerve is finely pinnate, with fine, weak lateral veins that converge at the edge in an intramarginal vein. A continuous, interpetiolar “scar” forms between the leaves. The leaf blade is barely visibly dotted. The young leaves are reddish. The stipules are missing.

Terminal, multi-flowered and pyramidal panicles are formed. The five-fold, hermaphrodite flowers are short-stalked and with a double flower envelope . The sepals are purple-reddish. The almost trimmed petals are red to rarely orange or white. They often have a small, fringed appendage ( nectar scale ) at the base . The short stamens are fused in three bundles. There are three small staminodial, hood-shaped bundles. The incompletely chambered ovary is on top, with three free styles with heady scars .

Egg-shaped, loculicidal, woody and three-lobed, small, brownish capsule fruits with a permanent calyx and small remains of the style, with many short-winged, elongated and narrow seeds are formed. The capsules are about 7–9 millimeters long.


The first description of Basionyms Hypericum arborescens was made in 1791 by Martin Vahl in Symbolae Botanicae 2: 86. The re-allocation to a new genus to Cratoxylum arborescens was made in 1852 by Carl Ludwig Blume in Museum Botanicum 2: Another 17 A synonym is Vismia arborescens (Vahl) Choisy .

Some authors list two or three varieties.


The slightly reddish wood is relatively light to medium heavy and soft, and not durable. It is used for some applications. It is known as Geronggang .


  • Flora Malesiana. Ser. I, Vol. 8, 1974, pp. 4, 11 f., Online at
  • L. Neo, KY Chong, SY Tan et al .: Towards a field guide to the trees of the Nee Soon Swamp Forest (II): Cratoxylum (Hypericaceae). In: Nature in Singapore. 9, 2016, pp. 29–39, online (PDF; 1.1 MB), at Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum.
  • J. Gérard, D. Guibal, S. Paradis, J.-C. Cerre: Tropical Timber Atlas. Éditions Quæ, 2017, p. 357 ff, ISBN 978-2-7592-2798-3 , limited preview in Google Book Search.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ AC Church, PF Stevens: An analysis of the variation within Cratoxylum arborescens (Clusiaceae) in Malesia. In: Blumea. 42 (2), 1997, pp. 397-405, online (PDF), at Naturalis Repository.