Cristoforo Buondelmonti

Cristoforo Buondelmonti (* 1386 , † around 1430) was an Italian monk and geographer who created descriptions and maps of the Aegean Sea and Constantinople .
In Florence , Buondelmonti probably met Guarino Veronese , through whom he met the patron Niccolò Niccoli , who dealt with classical works and geography.
From 1414 to 1430 Buondelmonti stayed on Rhodes , Crete and Cyprus , but also in the vicinity of the Byzantine capital Constantinople. He learned Greek in Rhodes. Based on these trips, he wrote a Descriptio insulae cretae (description of the island of Crete) and the Liber insularum archipelagi (Book of the islands of the archipelago) well in the years 1417 and 1420. His Crete factory devoted himself to Niccolo Niccoli, his work over the Aegean Sea to the Cardinal Giordano Orsini . In it he described the core of the Venetian colonial empire in the Aegean from the Tuscan perspective . He visited Crete on at least two trips. In addition, he was one of the first authors to add maps of the areas described to their work.
In 1419, on behalf of Cosimo de 'Medici , Buondelmonti acquired a manuscript on the island of Andros which, translated into Greek by an unknown translator named Philippos, was entitled Hieroglyphica . This in turn came from a writer called Horapollon , who called himself an Egyptian. In 1422 the manuscript came to Florence. The work became known and frequently cited in the scholarly world, but it was not published in Greek until 1505, followed by a Latin translation in 1515.
The Liber insularum was edited by G. Reimer in Leipzig and Berlin in 1824 ; other editions followed much later, such as in Paris in 1974. In 2005 the Düsseldorf manuscript Ms. G 13 was published as a facsimile , in 2007 a translation into German and commentary appeared. Buondelmontis Descriptio urbis Constantinopoleos was published in 1864. There are around 60 manuscripts of the work, which was widespread in the early modern period .
- Karl Bayer (Ed.): Cristoforo Buondelmonti. Liber insularum archipelagi. Transcription of the copy of the University and State Library Düsseldorf Ms. G 13, translation and commentary. Reichert, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-89500-542-8
- Émile Legrand (ed.): Description des Îles de l'Archipel grec , Philo Press 1974.
- Irmgard Siebert, Max Plassmann (eds.): Cristoforo Buondelmonti. Liber insularum archipelagi. University and State Library Düsseldorf Ms. G 13, translation and commentary , Wiesbaden 2005.
- Massimo Donattini: Spazio e modernità. Libri, carte, isolari nell'età delle scoperte , Clueb, Bologna 2000, pp. 213ff.
- Giuseppe Gerola : Le vedute di Costantinopoli di Cristoforo Buondelmonti , in: Studi bizantini e neoellenici 3 (1931) 247-279 ( online at Anemi, Digital Library of Modern Greek Studies ).
- Giuseppe Gerola: Le etimologie dei nomi di luogo in C. Buondelmonti , in: Atti del R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti XCII (1932-1933), p. 1050.
- Francesca Luzzatti Laganà: La funzione politica della memoria di Bisanzio nella Descriptio Cretae (1417-22) di Cristoforo Buondelmonit , in: Bollettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo e Archivio Muratoriano 94 (1988) 395-420.
- Dimitris Tsougarakis: Some Remarks on the "Kretica" of Cristoforo Buondelmonti , in: Ariadne 3 (1985) 88-108.
- Robert Weiss: Un umanista antiquario: Cristoforo Buondelmonti , in: Lettere Italiane 16 (1964) 105–116.
- Robert Weiss: Buondelmonti, Cristoforo , in: Dizionario biografico degli Italiani , Volume 15, Rome 1972, pp. 198-200 ( online at ).
Web links
- Literature by and about Cristoforo Buondelmonti in the catalog of the German National Library
- Digitized version of the Düsseldorf manuscript G 13 from the University and State Library of Düsseldorf
- Publications on Cristoforo Buondelmonti in the Opac of the Regesta Imperii
- ↑ Nancy Bisaha: Creating East and West: Renaissance Humanists and the Ottoman Turks , University of Pennsylvania Press 2006, pp one hundred and first
- ↑ Richard gyug: Medieval cultures in contact , S. 44f.
- ↑ A. Luttrell: The Later History of the Maussolleion and its Utilization in the Hospitaller Castle at Bodrum , Aarhus 1986, pp. 189-194, 210f.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Buondelmonti, Cristoforo |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Italian monk and geographer |
DATE OF BIRTH | 1386 |
DATE OF DEATH | around 1430 |