Cutie and the Boxer

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Original title Cutie and the Boxer
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2013
length 82 minutes
Director Zachary Heinzerling
script Zachary Heinzerling
production Zachary Heinzerling
Lydia Dean Pilcher
Patrick Burns
Sierra Pettengill
music Yasuaki Shimizu
camera Zachary Heinzerling
cut David Teague
  • Noriko Shinohara: yourself
  • Ushio Shinohara: ss
  • Alex Shinohara: ss
  • Ethan Cohen: ss

Cutie and the Boxer is a 2013 American documentary film directed, directed by Zachary Heinzerling, and directed by the production team. The story is based on an original artwork by Noriko and Ushido Shinohara.

The film was nominated for an Oscar .


The film focuses on the chaotic 40-year marriage of the boxing painter Ushiro Shinohara and his wife Noriko, who live from hand to mouth in New York and are never sure whether they can still pay their rent next month. Noriko, now 60, supports her 80-year-old husband and always puts her own needs aside. Shown is the portrait of a marriage that was wild and successful on the one hand, both are still together and still seem to be in love, on the other hand full of disappointments. Noriko's teasing and the question posed in the room why she was still with him, Ushido laughs away and it is often a bitter laugh.

From a woman who always tries to please her arrogant husband, Noriko succeeds in maturing into an independent personality and being artistically active by putting cutie drawings on paper about her past.


Rotten Tomatoes spoke of a beautiful, well-made documentary that looks through the lens of the challenges and riches that marriage can offer and its art, exploring a fascinating and complex couple.

In the Guardian , Phil Hoad wrote that Heinzerling's film was a coherent portrait of how idiosyncrasies in art and life were built up to represent challenges. Catherine Shoard found the documentary worked best as a portrait [s] of a marriage .

Awards (selection)

Zachary Heinzerling and Lydia Dean Pilcher were nominated for an Oscar in 2014 for the film in the category “Best Documentary” , but could not prevail over Morgan Neville , Gil Friesen and Caitrin Rogers and the film 20 Feet from Stardom . Heinzerling was also nominated for the Cinema Eye Audience Choice Prize and the Cinema Eye Honors Award as well as the DFCS Award . There was another nomination for the DGA Award and the GFCA Award as well as the Grierson Award . The film was also nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and for the Audience Award at the Tribeca Film Festival .

Zachary won the Directing Award: US Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival and the Grierson Award - Special Mention at the London Film Festival . Heinzerling won the Charles E. Guggenheim Emerging Artist Award at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival and the Cinema Eye Honors Award at the Cinema Eye Honors Awards, US.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cutie and the Boxer at (English). Retrieved February 8, 2015.
  2. Cutie and the Boxer In: The Guardian, October 31, 2013 (English). Retrieved February 8, 2015.
  3. Cutie and the Boxer In: The Guardian, November 3, 2013 (English). Retrieved February 8, 2015.