Cyril Tuschi

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Cyril Tuschi with business partner Armin Mey from Lala-Films

Cyril Tuschi (real name Ilja Cyril Kade ; born January 29, 1969 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German film director with Russian ancestors.

Tuschi attended high school in Seattle in the US state of Washington . He later opened a night club and worked at the theater in Stuttgart from the late 1980s. Abitur in 1989 at the Max Beckmann School in Frankfurt am Main. He then studied philosophy in Frankfurt am Main. He produced his first short film, Frankfurt Am Meer , in 1992. At the same time, he began studying directing at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy in Ludwigsburg . In 1996 his short film Nachtland was shown in the Berlinale Panorama program and won the New York Academy Camera Prize . From 1996 to 2001 he directed various music videos (e.g. for the rock group Blackmail ) and made commercials.

His film SommerHundeSöhne with the actors Stipe Erceg and Fabian Busch was his feature film debut and won an audience award at the 2005 German Film Festival in Ludwigshafen am Rhein .

His documentary The Khodorkovsky Case premiered on February 14, 2011 at the Berlin International Film Festival. Tuschi spent five years working on this portrait of the convicted entrepreneur and former oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky . He interviewed more than 70 contemporary witnesses , the interview material lasted 180 hours.

Tuschi was stolen from film material and computer twice: the first time in Bali, where he made the final cut of the film; and then a few weeks later, shortly before the start of the Berlinale, a notebook with a version of the film was stolen from his apartment. The protection of the constitution determined; Tuschi moved into a new apartment.

Together with his business friend and partner Armin Mey , he runs the Berlin film production company LALA-Films and organizes film festivals and events at Schloss Beesenstedt in the Saale valley near Halle .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Who is this man? in: from February 14, 2011
  2. Khodorkovsky has an unearthly aura Interview with Cyril Tuschi in: Spiegel Online from February 14, 2011
  3. ^ Deutsche Welle
  4. ^ Rheinische Post February 15, 2011 Page A7: "Enigmatic Man from Siberia"