DJ Mahmut & Murat G.

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DJ Mahmut and Murat G (bourgeois Mahmut Altunay and Murat Güngör ) was a German-Turkish hip-hop duo from Frankfurt am Main . The formation was one of the earliest German-Turkish hip-hop crews to be successful in the multicultural scene and, along with groups such as Islamic Force and Karakan, is one of the founders of Turkish-language hip-hop.


In the early 1990s she appeared as DJ Mahmut and Murat G. on. DJ Mahmut and Murat G. were more likely to be representatives of politically correct rap. The language of the rape is Turkish and German, sometimes also French.

First minor appearances had the duo in 1993. A self-founded label Looptown (along with Volkan Türeli alias Volkan T. ) gave up in 1994, even before the emergence of an independent Turkish hip-hop scene , the Posse album Looptown presents Turkish Hip Hop with German-Turkish artists. The album, whose lyrics deal with racism, is considered the first album in the Turkish language . It was only a year later that German-Turkish rap experienced its commercial breakthrough with the merger of Turkish hip-hop bands under the name Cartel in Berlin.

The duo's solo album followed in 1997 with the title Garip Dünya (translated “crazy world”, “strange world”). The album, on which the duo was supported by rapper Kalibra, Steryo CEM and the French hip-hop crews Perle Noir and La Mixture , was recorded by Boulevard Bou . Even MC Torchmann is a short, Turkish spoken guest appearance in the song Sevgi Dolu Günler heard. The magazine Intro commented in October 1997: “Where your German-speaking raps sometimes falter or remind you of VARIETY PAC , your flow in Turkish style remains absolutely unbeaten. DJ MAHMUT and MC MURAT describe our “Strange World” (see album title) with so much musical independence and strength that one likes to linger as a listener of their stories. ” In 1999 the duo toured through major cities in Turkey with the album titles. The Looptown label was active until 1998.

DJ Mahmut has hung alongside his work in the described hip-hop project in many prestigious clubs in his home country and in other projects such as Mardi involved. He raps in both German and Turkish. Murat G. is also active as a music producer and book author.


  • 1994: DJ Mahmut, Volkan, Murat, KMR (Posse CD album with Volkan T. and KMR; Looptown / Distribution: EFA Medien / 1995: Hades Records)GermanyGermanyTurkeyTurkey
  • 1997: Garip Dünya (CD album / double LP; Looptown / distribution: EFA Medien / 1998: Kod Müzik)GermanyGermanyTurkeyTurkey

Sampler contributions:

  • 1995: Son Durak on Metabolic & No Mistake (CD; Hazelwood Records)GermanyGermany
  • 1997: Seh Die Blick auf EFA - Vol. 11 - Life Is Too Short For Boring Music (Promo double CD; EFA Medien)GermanyGermany
  • 1999: Nereye Baksam on Türkçe Hip Hop Mixtape ( Mixtape by Boulevard Bou; 360 ° Records)GermanyGermany
  • 2001: Nereye Baksam on 20 years of hip hop in Germany (double CD; Koch Records )GermanyGermany

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mark Terkessidis : Migrants. S. 81 f., Hamburg 2000
  2. Daniel Bax : The German-Turkish music scene between Turkish pop and German rap. Heinrich Böll Foundation , December 18, 2006.
  3. ^ Daniel Bax: German-Turkish pop scene Bassturk, Muhabbet, Tarkan & Co. , November 4, 2008.
  4. ^ Murat Güngör: Coming from Ratinga. The beginnings of HipHop in Turkish in Germany. Heinrich Böll Foundation, December 18, 2006.
  5. Verda Kaya: HipHop between Istanbul and Berlin. A (German-) Turkish youth culture in the local and transnational network of relationships. 2015, p. 121.
  6. Iman Attia: Everyday life and worlds of migrant youth. IKO - Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 2000, p. 231.
  7. Nazli Yener Agabeyoglu: German-Turkish rap music in Berlin. Socio-cultural factors in the selection of rap texts and auditory production methods among young people of Turkish origin in Germany. LIT Verlag, Münster 2014, p. 153.
  8. İmran Ayata : DJ Mahmut & Murat G: To the east, my brother, to the east. In: Spex , Ed. 12 (1997), p. 14.
  9. a b Garip Dünya. DJ Mahmut & Murat G .. Intro, Issue 048 (1997), October 29, 1997.
  10. DJ Mahmut: DJ Mahmut & Murat G - Garip Dünya (album)., 2012.
  11. ma and lou: Com.une.farce: C'est ton truc. Interview with Mahmut & Murat G. from 1998.; Retrieved June 3, 2011.
  12. Jannis K. Androutsopoulos: HipHop. Global culture - local practices. Transcript, 2003, p. 329.