Daniel Bax

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Daniel Bax (* 1970 in Blumenau , Brazil ) is a German - Dutch journalist and author .


Bax studied journalism and Islamic studies at the Free University of Berlin . From 1998 to 2017 he was an editor at taz in Berlin , initially as a music editor in the cultural department, then in the opinion and debate department, and later as a parliamentary correspondent. Most recently he was responsible for integration and migration policy at taz's domestic department. He also writes on Islam and foreign policy topics. Bax has been a project manager and editor at Mediendienst Integration , an information platform for media professionals, since 2017 .

Daniel Bax has written articles for several thematic issues of the network Schools without Racism - Schools with Courage - on Turkish right-wing extremism ("Gray Wolves"), Islam and pop culture or racism in everyday life. He has published numerous articles and interviews with world music artists such as Tarkan and Goran Bregovic . He has also written several booklet texts - for the compilation "Bucovina Club" by Shantel (Essay Recordings, 2002), "Beyond Istanbul" (Trikont, 2006) by DJ Ipek from Berlin and for "Many Lessons. Hiphop & Islam in West Africa ”(Piranha, 2008). Since 2014 he has been on the board of the New German Media Makers (NdM). He has lived in Berlin since 1985.


After the attacks of September 11, 2001, he pleaded for pragmatism and serenity, as an alternative between anti-Americanism and total solidarity with the USA, and called his peers the "Gulf War generation".

In 2006 he certified the publicist Henryk M. Broder the "icy sharpness of a religious warrior"; His bestseller Hurray, We Surrender , he called a "humorous sermon on hate".

In 2009 he attested Thilo Sarrazin, then a member of the Bundesbank's board of directors and SPD politician, to “salon racism”. When the first party exclusion proceedings against him were set, he wrote in March 2010 that the SPD had "missed an opportunity". Sarrazin's bestseller Germany abolishes itself , which appeared in August 2010, compared to the 1994 book The Bell Curve . He saw it as a blueprint for Sarrazin's theses. In February 2014 he met Sarrazin on the ntv show “Das Duell”.

In January 2013 he reported on the decision of the Stuttgart-based Thienemann-Verlag to delete the word “ Neger ” from its new edition of the children's classic Die kleine Hexe by Otfried Preußler . The news sparked an emotional “children's book debate” about discriminatory terms and political correctness .

In 2015 his first book Angst ums Abendland was published. Why we should not be afraid of Muslims but of Islamophobes at Westend Verlag . His second book was published there in 2018.

In 2020, he campaigned for the replacement of the anti-Semitism officer Felix Klein in the weekly newspaper Der Freitag .


  • Fear for the West. Why we should not fear Muslims but rather those who are enemies of Islam . Westend, Frankfurt 2015. ISBN 978-3-86489-099-4
  • The seducers - why right-wing populism is so successful. Westend, Frankfurt 2018. ISBN 978-3-86489-178-6

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Personnel: Adieu, Daniel Bax . ( taz.de [accessed June 20, 2018]). Personnel: Adieu, Daniel Bax ( Memento from June 20, 2018 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ IDA eV: Right-wing extremism in the immigration society. September 5, 2018, accessed June 20, 2018 .
  3. DANIEL BAX: Humorous hate sermon . In: The daily newspaper: taz . November 18, 2006, ISSN  0931-9085 , p. 1007 ( taz.de [accessed June 20, 2018]).
  4. ^ Daniel Bax: Debate Sarrazin: Race instead of class . In: The daily newspaper: taz . October 12, 2009, ISSN  0931-9085 ( taz.de [accessed June 20, 2018]).
  5. Daniel Bax: Commentary Sarrazin: Heilsames Schrecking . In: The daily newspaper: taz . August 29, 2010, ISSN  0931-9085 ( taz.de [accessed June 20, 2018]).
  6. TVReports: The new virtue terror: Thilo Sarrazin against Daniel Bax. February 25, 2014, accessed June 20, 2018 .
  7. Daniel Bax: Discriminatory language in Preussler: The little witch, without racism . In: The daily newspaper: taz . January 4, 2013, ISSN  0931-9085 ( taz.de [accessed June 20, 2018]).
  8. ^ Daniel Bax - Fear of the Occident - A book from Westend Verlag . In: Westend Verlag GmbH . ( westendverlag.de [accessed June 20, 2018]).
  9. ^ Rudolf Walther: All too simple enemy images . In: sueddeutsche.de . November 23, 2015, ISSN  0174-4917 ( sueddeutsche.de [accessed June 20, 2018]).
  10. ^ Daniel Bax - Die Volksverführer - A book from Westend Verlag . In: Westend Verlag GmbH . ( westendverlag.de [accessed June 20, 2018]).
  11. Daniel Bax: The Mbembe case becomes the Klein case , Friday, May 7, 2020