Dağyeli Publishing House

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Dağyeli Publishing House
founding   1982
Seat   Berlin-Neukölln
publisher   Jeanine Elif Dağyeli
genus   Fiction
Website   www.dagyeliverlag.de

The J & D Dagyeli Publishing is a publishing house in Berlin-Neukölln , whose program, mainly the literature of Turkic covers.

Publishing history

The journalist and literary translator Yıldırım Dağyeli founded the publishing house in Frankfurt am Main in the early 1980s . One of the first Dağyeli writers was the Munich author Fethi Savaşçı . From 1984 to 1988, the then best-known German writer of Turkish origin, Aras Ören published in Dağyeli, initially in Turkish , and from 1986 also in German . In 2008 the translator Recai Hallaç joined Dağyeli with Edition Galata. Their program consists in making well-known contemporary writers from Turkey accessible in German. So far he has published Aslı Erdoğan , Ahmet Ümit and Emrah Serbes .

A well-known new project of the publisher is the book series Kazachische Bibliothek , which aims to make the literature of Kazakhstan available in translations for the German-speaking area.

The current owner of the publisher is Jeanine Elif Dağyeli , daughter of the publisher's founder Yıldırım Dağyeli.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Yıldırım Dağyeli - Yildirim Dagyeli founded the Dagyeli publishing house in 1982, which is now run by his daughter
  2. ^ Edition Galata - Turkish for Readers