Daniel August Schwarzkopf

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Daniel August Schwarzkopf (* 1738 in Ostrau near Halle ; † April 8, 1817 in Kassel ) was court gardener and garden inspector for Landgraves Friedrich II. And Wilhelm IX. von Hessen-Kassel and significantly involved in the redesign of today's Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe into an English landscape park .

Start time

Daniel August Schwarzkopf was the son of the architect and gardener Benjamin Rudolph Schwarzkopf (around 1700–1752). He attended the school of the orphanage in Halle (Saale) (today: Francke Foundations ). He trained as a gardener first with his father, then with relatives and in the Netherlands and England. He worked in Salzdahlum , in the Great Garden of Herrenhausen Palace , in private gardens, and in 1757 with Count Daniel von der Schulenburg in Lucklum . Then he was employed as a gardener by Friedrich August von Veltheim (1709–1775), President of the Wolfenbüttel court court, where he also worked on the Harbkesche'n wild tree cultivation , which was supposed to raise free-growing exotic trees - mainly from North America - for local parks. Planting such exotic plants in parks had become fashionable at the time. Schwarzkopf was sent on a study trip to England by Friedrich August von Veltheim , where he was supposed to study in particular the rearing and care of such freely growing exotic trees and also to buy appropriate plants and study the English parks . The study trip lasted until 1759.


In 1767 Veltheim recommended Schwarzkopf to Landgrave Friedrich II of Hessen-Kassel, who was looking for a specialist in exotic trees so that he could also plant them in his parks. Schwarzkopf set up a corresponding tree nursery in Kassel and began to plant the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe (then: Weißenstein Park ) with trees from North America and otherwise design it in the style of an English landscape park. Among other things, the Rose Island in Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe was created under his leadership , one of the largest rose collections in Europe at the end of the 18th century. Schwarzkopf is considered to be the first rose grower in Germany and was thus successful across Europe. The rose variety "Perle von Weißenstein" was one of his breeding successes. In terms of content, Schwarzkopf referred to Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld and his theoretical work on garden art in his garden design . The contemporary writer Rudolf Erich Raspe (1736–1794) was extremely positive about Schwarzkopf's achievements.

After taking office in Hessen-Kassel in 1785, Landgrave Wilhelm IX. major changes, including to his parks. From the 1786 season onwards, Schwarzkopf received an amount of 1,000 Reichstaler per month . He held a prominent position among the gardeners of the new sovereign and also accompanied the sovereign on his trip to the park of Wörlitz in 1788. In 1791 Wilhelm appointed him "Garden Inspector for all Princely Gardens". He was the head of the gardeners responsible for the individual gardens. His area of ​​responsibility also included the gardens in Hofgeismar , Nenndorf and Hanau , which are further away from Kassel . From 1794 he was also responsible for the Karlsaue .


  • Urte Stobbe: Daniel August Schwarzkopf (1738–1817). Court gardener and garden inspector at the Kasseler Hof at the time of the garden art debate at the end of the 18th century . In: Die Gartenkunst  21 (2/2009), pp. 213–226.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ GF: Schwarzkopf .
  2. Krutzinna: Homepage .
  3. ^ GF: Schwarzkopf .
  4. ^ Stobbe: Daniel August Schwarzkopf , p. 220f.
  5. ^ Stobbe: Daniel August Schwarzkopf , p. 220.
  6. ^ Stobbe: Daniel August Schwarzkopf , p. 221.
  7. Krutzinna: Homepage .
  8. World of roses: Rosenwelt Rosenzauber Rosenlust Rosenfaszination - (almost) everything about roses .
  9. Krutzinna: Homepage .
  10. World of roses: Rosenwelt Rosenzauber Rosenlust Rosenfaszination - (almost) everything about roses .
  11. ^ Stobbe: Daniel August Schwarzkopf , pp. 221, 224.
  12. Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld: Theory of garden art , 1775, 1777 (so-called "small theory"); ders .: Theory of garden art . 5 parts. 1779–1785, ND Deutsche Verlagsanstalt , Stuttgart 1990. ISBN 978-3-421-02988-1
  13. Rudolf Erich Raspe : Addition to the very oldest and natural history of Hesse or description of the Habichtwald and various other Niederhessen old volcanoes in the neighborhood of Cassel . Kassel 1774, p. 66.
  14. ^ Stobbe: Daniel August Schwarzkopf , p. 221.
  15. ^ Stobbe: Daniel August Schwarzkopf , p. 222.