Daniel Bayerstorfer

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Daniel Bayerstorfer (born March 11, 1989 in Graefelfing ) is a German writer and translator.

life and work

Bayerstorfer grew up in Munich . After stays abroad in Hangzhou and Padua he appeared together with Tristan Marquardt and Nora Zapf as co-organizer of the poetry reading series my three lyrical selves and the Biennale Great Day of Young Munich Literature . His first volume of poetry Gegenklaviere was published in autumn 2017.

He also works as a translator. So he transferred u. a. the Chinese poets Han Bo and Jiang Tao into German.

He lives and works in Munich.




Individual evidence

  1. my three lyrical selves: [1]
  2. Great Day of Young Munich Literature : [2]
  3. Opposite pianos: [3]
  4. China Box, Verlagshaus Berlin: [4]

Web links