The tavern in the Spessart (1923)

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Original title The inn in the Spessart
Country of production Germany
Publishing year 1923
Director Adolf Wenter
script Margarete M. Langen
production Orbis-Film AG Munich
camera Ewald Daub

Das Wirtshaus im Spessart is the title of a silent film that Adolf Wenter directed in 1923 for Orbis-Film AG Munich based on a screenplay that Margarete M. Langen wrote based on the 1826 novella by Wilhelm Hauff . The Munich folk actress Elise Aulinger was cast in a leading role .


One day, the craftsman Felix stops at an inn in the Spessart on his journeyman's hike . The area is notorious for robberies, which is why the journeyman and his friends decide not to go to bed, but to keep watch. In order not to fall asleep, they tell each other stories. Soon a countess and a hunter will come to the inn. While the noblewoman goes to her room, the hunter joins the group around Felix. At midnight the robbers appear, but they are after the countess. They want to extort ransom from their husband, the count ...

Production notes

The production of Orbis-Film AG (Munich) was photographed by Ewald Daub . The stage set created Otto Völckers . The film was on 14 April 1923, the Reich Film Censorship Munich before and could under no. 01118 M happen. The first performance took place on May 25, 1923 in Berlin-Charlottenburg in the Lichtspiel-Palast “Alhambra” .

Hauff's story was first filmed in 1923 by the actor and director Adolf Wenter. The manuscript was written by Margarete Noa, the sister of the director and set designer Manfred Noa , who as a film writer had the pseudonym “Margarete Maria Langen”.

In 1957, Kurt Hoffmann realized the story with Liselotte Pulver in the leading role as a color sound film . His “Wirtshaus im Spessart” is one of the most successful German film games of the post-war period.

A 694 m long black and white 16 mm archive copy of the silent film exists in the German Film Institute and Film Museum in Berlin.

Web links


  • Alfred Adolph Estermann: The film adaptation of literary works. (= Treatises on art, music and literary studies. Volume 33). Bouvier Verlag, Bonn 1965, DNB 451176340 , pp. 57-58.
  • Andreas Hoffmann, Berthold Grzywatz: Charlottenburg. (= Historical Landscape Berlin: Places and Results. Volume 1, Part 2). Verlag Nicolai, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-87584-143-3 , p. 208.
  • Alexander Schwarz: The script: history, theory, practice. (= Discourse Film: Munich Contributions to Film Philology. Volume 5). Verlag Schaudig, Bauer, Ledig, Munich 1992, ISBN 3-926372-04-4 , p. 23.

Individual evidence

  1. “The company was founded on July 14, 1921. The film manufacturer had branches in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Munich and Hamburg. In August 1923, the Filmfabrik AG in Munich was incorporated. In addition, the former Stuart Webbs studio in Grünwald near Munich with an area of ​​75,000 m² was attached. ”See , there also an illustration of an Orbis share.
  2. cf. Herbert Birett , sources: "M01118 Wirtshaus im Spessart, Das 1923"
  3. archive signature 12.98, cf. , plays at 18 fps for around 84 and a half minutes.