The miracle of Marseille

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German title The miracle of Marseille
Original title Fahim
Country of production France
original language French , Bengali
Publishing year 2019
length 107 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Pierre-François Martin-Laval
script Pierre-François Martin-Laval
Sophie Le Callennec
production Déborah Benattar
Patrick Godeau
music Pascal Lengagne
camera Regis Blondeau
cut Reynald Bertrand

The Miracle of Marseille is a 2019 French drama movie . The literary film adaptation of the book Un roi clandestin by Sophie Le Callennec is based on real events.


In the unrest in Bangladesh from 2007 onwards, the fireman Nura, the father of the chess-gifted Fahim, decided in 2008 to try to come to France with him to apply for political asylum there. The rest of the family, his wife and two other children, including Fahim's older sister Luna, he wants to catch up as soon as he has found work and an apartment.

First, Nura and Fahim make it across the Indian- Bengali border in a truck with a bribe . From there they fly to Paris. Without a place to live and without work and not knowing the French language, the two of them have to spend the night outside until they are found by helpers of the Red Cross and taken to a home for asylum seekers. He applies for asylum to the French authorities, but the Indian translator works against him and constantly reproduces questions from the authorities and his answers in completely different content, so that Nura thinks everything is going well, while the authorities think that Nura is purely economic Interests and not be politically persecuted at all.

He takes little Fahim to a chess school in Créteil in the south of Paris to the sometimes quick-tempered trainer Sylvain Charpentier (Depardieu), who immediately recognizes his talent. There, with the other children, Fahim quickly learns French, while his father works illegally as a souvenir seller.

One day, Naru is caught by the police doing this illegal activity and faces expulsion while Fahim is being taken to a home. During this time Fahim's chess skills get better and better and he first wins local chess championships and is then supposed to take part in the French chess championships for under-twelve-year-olds in Marseille . But the host initially refuses to allow him to participate due to his missing papers. Only after an emotional lecture by his coach Charpentier, who personally knows the organizer, he is of Italian descent and also came into the country illegally as a child, is Fahim allowed to participate and he wins the tournament.

During a question time from the French Prime Minister, Mathilde, Charpentier's secretary, answers by phone, describes the case and appeals to the French maxim of human rights. In fact, Nura and Fahim get the residence permit and are allowed to bring their families from Bangladesh.


The film is based on the real story of Fahim Mohammad, who was born in Dhaka , Bangladesh in 2000 and became a FIDE master in 2017 . His highest rating was 2383 and he was among the world's 150 top players under 16.

The chess trainer portrayed by Gérard Depardieu (in the film Sylvain Charpentier) was called Xavier Parmentier in real life and died in 2016.

Several photos of the real Fahim and Parmentier are shown in the credits and their stories are briefly summarized.

The film ran on September 30, 2019 at the Hamburg Film Festival and was released in German cinemas on November 7.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of Release for The Miracle of Marseille . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF; test number: 194405 / K). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. Age rating for The Miracle of Marseille . Youth Media Commission .