The missing room

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German title The missing room
Original title The Lost Room
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 288 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Craig R. Baxley (1 + 3)
Michael W. Watkins (2)
script Christopher Leone
Laura Harkcom
production Paul Kurta
music Robert J. Kral
camera David Connell
cut Sonny Baskin

The Vanished Room is an American TV miniseries with fictional elements from 2006. The plot revolves around a mysterious motel room. The protagonist is a detective who is looking for his daughter, who has disappeared into the room apparently outside of space and time. He is also confronted with all sorts of ordinary-looking, but amazing objects from motel room no. 10.

In the United States , the series was broadcast in three parts, each comprising two episodes, in Germany, however, in 2008 as a two-part. The DVD divides the series into six individual episodes.


  • Joe Miller ( Peter Krause ) is a detective who accidentally comes across a key that can open any door and fits into motel room number 10 of the Sunshine Motel, which seems to be out of time. His little daughter Anna ( Elle Fanning ) disappears into the room and Miller does everything to find her again.
  • Jennifer Bloom ( Julianna Margulies ) is a member of the "Legion", one of two competing groups who, for very different reasons, strive to collect as many items ("objects") as possible from the motel room, as they appear quite ordinary , alone or in combination, however, can cause something unusual. The "Legion" tries to find these objects and remove them from circulation, while the "Order of Reunification" (usually just called "the Order") considers them to be a way of getting to see God or even being godlike become.
  • Karl Kreutzfeld ( Kevin Pollak ) is a wealthy pawnbroker. Many of the "objects" are now in his possession.
  • Howard "the weasel" Montague ( Roger Bart ), a small crook, has dealt intensively with the interactions between the objects.
  • Dr. Martin Ruber ( Dennis Christopher ) is a medical examiner . The greed to be accepted into the order of reunification and to come close to the motel room as well as the objects, makes him lose his mind more and more. After a stay in the desert and a vision, he believes he has been called to be a prophet of objects.
  • Wally Jabrowski ( Peter Jacobson ) is in possession of the bus ticket, another unusual object from the room.


As part of the investigation into a mysterious case involving two dead, Detective Miller receives a key from a dying petty criminal that fits into any door lock and opens the door to a mysterious motel room. This room # 10 was once part of a motel on Route 66 in New Mexico that has now fallen into disrepair. At the beginning of the 1960s, an unspecified event occurred there, in which the room seems to have disappeared from our dimension. Since then, every door that you open with the key of the room leads into the unchanged appearing motel room. When he leaves, the door becomes everyone the user can imagine. If he doesn't imagine one, the room randomly chooses a location.

In his investigations, Joe Miller found out that there are several groups and individuals who, by chance or for different reasons, came into possession of "objects" from the motel room, who want to obtain them, conduct research about them or even trade them. The objects are indestructible outside of the room, if the room is "reset" by locking the door, they - and only they - are retained and may return to their original location in the room.

Montague kidnaps Miller's daughter Anna to get the key. During the attempted exchange, Anna escapes with the key and uses it to open a door in an abandoned warehouse. During the argument between her father and Montague, she is pushed into the room by him without having the key with her. When he opens it again, the girl has disappeared without a trace. Montague, an abandoned university professor, developed his hypothesis of the “primary object” that controls everyone else and with which Anna could be brought back to Miller.

In desperation, Miller lets some people in on his secret and forges various alliances. Some help him, others mainly want to steal the key and sometimes even walk over corpses.

A wide variety of theories are circulating as to what the creation of the room and the objects are all about, but no one knows exactly. Those who first discovered the powers of various objects and sought to get as many as possible into their possession, the so-called collectors, have long since died or gone mad. The last owner of the motel, Arlene Conroy, disappeared after trying to repeat the circumstances of the disappearance of the room with the help of a few objects, an event also known as the "Conroy Experiment".

The objects collected by the collectors were hidden by them in a radiation protection room under an abandoned prison building. Miller and Kreutzfeld, who have now teamed up, penetrate there through the interaction of the objects key, clock and scissors to get Kreutzfeld's eye. The glass eye is a powerful weapon that can destroy or heal flesh. Karl Kreutzfeld wants to get it because his son suffers from leukemia. Kreutzfeld took the opportunity to get hold of the key and left Miller in the dungeon. It turns out that he wants to repeat the Conroy experiment to bring his son back to life. In possession of the eye, Kreutzfeld wiped out almost all members of the Legion before he himself died while re-enacting the Conroy experiment.

Miller manages to break free and eventually finds out that there was a resident of the room at the time of the incident, Eddie McCracht. This also became an object in the event. Since the objects from the room seem to attract each other, he lives in agony in a mental hospital in a remote place and wishes for death. At his request, Miller goes with McCelp into the motel room. He asks Miller to kill him, which is only possible there, and to take his place as an object. He is thus able to survive a reset of the room and find his daughter again.

In the end, Miller throws the key into the room and closes the door; no one should ever enter the room again. In the last scene, the door of the last room of the dilapidated motel opens again and the key is on the floor.

Episode list

  • The Key and the Clock (The Key and the Clock)
  • The Comb and the Box (The Comb and the Box)
  • The Eye and the Prime Object (The eye and the primary object)

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