David Ender

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David Ender (2009)

David Ender (* 1960 as David Nemec in Wodonga , Australia ) is an Austrian musician, composer, performer , improviser , writer and translator.


Studied musicology and indology in Vienna . Participation in numerous music and performance groups such as Freier Puls (1978 to 1981), F. Wake (1984 to 1989), Ent-Art Orckesta (1986 to 1987), Miki Malör (since 1991), Damen-Improvisation & Herren-BIGbäng (1995 to 1999), Andrea Bold / TVE (since 2004) and brpobr (since 2007).

In 1994 he was a founding member of the performance collective Lux Flux . The music groups tiefe Töne (1998), Stoned Genies (2000) and Baitrunner (2001) are also founded.

Since 1989 he has been writing experimental crime novels with Jack Hauser in the tradition of Walter Serner . Ongoing collaborations / performances with Karlheinz Essl , Barbara Kraus, Annette Pfefferkorn, Sabine Sonnenschein, the Saira Blanche Theater and Machfeld .

Ender has been an editorial member of the internet magazine corpus since 2006 and a member of the Graz authors' meeting .


  • Jack Hauser, David Ender: Hembert Nora . In: Peter M. Hetzel (ed.): The third generation. Stories . Rowohlt , Reinbek near Hamburg 1991, ISBN 3-499-42957-8 , p. 101-147 .
  • David Ender, Jack Hauser: Hembert Nora . Edition selene , Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-85266-024-6 .
  • David Ender, Jack Hauser: ONTOMIMESIS . In: Siegmund Kleinl, ralf b. korte , Hans Jungmayr (Ed.): without sound. Anthology . NN-fabrik, Siegendorf 1997, ISBN 3-901361-07-3 , p. 203-223 .
  • David Ender, Jack Hauser: now fiction (excerpt) . In: ralf b. korte (ed.): without sound. Anthology . NN-fabrik, Siegendorf 1998, ISBN 3-901361-10-3 , p. 24-39 .
  • David Ender, Jack Hauser: Miryam von Doren . Edition selene, Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-85266-216-8 .
  • David Ender, Jack Hauser: The name, the shell, the adventure . Edition selene, Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-85266-273-7 .
  • David Ender, Jack Hauser: Oaris . Edition Ender, Vienna 2020.

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Ploebst: Live is life . In: Andrea Amort , Mimi Wunderer-Gosch (Hrsg.): Österreich tanzt . Böhlau Verlag , Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-205-99226-1 , p. 187 .
  2. Elisabeth Flunger: Women's improvisation & men's BIGbang. 1999, accessed August 31, 2010 .
  3. ^ Inge Kaindlstorfer: Lux Flux. (No longer available online.) August 9, 2010, archived from the original on February 8, 2012 ; Retrieved August 31, 2010 .
  4. Lux Flux: felting. (No longer available online.) WUK , August 7, 2010, archived from the original on February 1, 2016 ; Retrieved August 31, 2010 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.wuk.at
  5. Karlheinz Essl, Jack Hauser, David Ender: fLIP / fLAP. In: fLOW. September 29, 1999, accessed August 31, 2010 .
  6. YOO DOO RIGHT. ESSL MUSEUM , September 5, 2016, accessed September 5, 2016 .
  7. ^ Oleg Soulimenko : Saira Blanche Theater. February 14, 1997, accessed August 31, 2010 .
  8. Nina Kirsch: Linz.Wohnung.Miryam.van.Doren.mobil. In: LENTOS Art Museum Linz. Triennale Linz 1.0, June 3, 2010, accessed on August 31, 2010 .
  9. corpus. In: internet magazine for dance • choreography • performance. corpusweb, accessed on August 31, 2010 .

Web links