Kill the monkey

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Original title Kill the monkey
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1994
length 28 minutes
Director Britta Wandaogo
script Britta Wandaogo
production Britta Wandaogo
camera Britta Wandaogo, Dirk Petzold
cut Britta Wandaogo, To Reich

Killing the Monkey is a German documentary film by Britta Wandaogo (née Petzold) from 1994 . The film was made at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. It was shot in the summer of 1993 and is a film by and about junkies at Dortmund Central Station .


Only the addicts themselves have a say in the film. The title refers to the severe withdrawal symptoms known as monkeys when the drug supply fails. The film tells of extreme life and suffering situations of various junkies, which include criminal acquisitions , prostitution , illness, misery, social contempt and death.

Reception and awards

The film ran in Germany on April 29, 1995 in the German competition at the International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen . At the Festival Views from the Ruhr Area in 1994 he received the 1st Prize and the Audience Award, and the 1st Prize for the best documentary film at the Bochum Videofest. Other festival participations were the Kassel Documentary and Video Festival , Stuttgarter Filmwinter , Videofest Berlin, Sehsuchten Festival , Festival Internacional de Cine Cinema Jove in Valencia and the Video / Filmtage Rhineland-Palatinate / Thuringia, where the film received the video sponsorship award.

From June 26, 1999 to August 8, 1999 the film was shown in a solo exhibition by Britta Wandaogo at the Kölnischer Kunstverein together with the film Bilfou Biga . The film was advertised in the press release of the Kölnischer Kunstverein with the words: "The Cologne filmmaker Britta Wandaogo , who was recently awarded the Spiridon-Neven-Dumont Prize, adds a new dimension to the concept of the documentary."

In 2000 the film was part of the short film program Tücken des Everyday - Filmmacherinnen on the move , a tour with films by women in 14 cities in North Rhine-Westphalia . It was a follow-up project to the NRW Artist Prize; the program was organized by Angela Haardt, the former director of the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival . The film is advertised in the program as follows: “ Britta Wandaogo succeeds like hardly anyone in simply being present with the junkies as if she were one of them, and that can't be because the camera is always there - as if she were grown into the skin. Such immediacy is breathtaking, what a work process is in it - in the cut, in the order of the material! "

On August 29, 2008, the film was shown in the Kunsthaus Dresden in the film program of the exhibition UNDER INFLUENCE - Intoxication and Drugs in Contemporary Art (August 1 to October 12, 2008, curated by Susanne Weiß).


“Britta Wandaogo has found her own very dense documentary way of working. (...) The respect and sensitivity of the director testify to a deep understanding of the life situation and everyday drug life of the protagonists. The interviews and conversations give people time, but every picture and every utterance drives the story forward. No hidden morality, the pictures mean exactly what they show, no more and no less. This gives the viewer a clear view of the (destructive) power of drugs and of a milieu that is usually either luridly dealt with in the media or problematized from an educational point of view. (..) Your intuitive handling, the idiosyncratic video aesthetics and the lightness of your narrative make a lasting impression ”. Extract of the sponsorship award of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for young artists, category camera and direction, Federal Ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia 1997

- Jury Award 1997 :

“A cinematic documentation without distance, very close, but never voyeuristic: the dignity is preserved. A film about 'so-called' victims that affects us all because something similar could happen to all of us. ,Never say Never!' The word 'authenticity' experiences positive reinforcement through this work, because it is far from any sensational gimmick. And the viewer is asked to think about the meaning of the word 'sympathy'. Jury reasons for the award for free video work, Video / Film Days Rhineland-Palatinate / Thuringia 1994 "

- Jury Award 1994 :

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Exhibition Britta Wandaogo"
  2. Film program Everyday Pitfalls. In: The lens - association for the promotion of local film work e. V., November 5, 2000, accessed December 24, 2016 .
  3. Rainer Burkard: O you my intoxication! In: . August 11, 2008, accessed December 24, 2016 .
  4. "Copy of the Film Sponsorship Award 1997"
  5. ^ "Copy of the funding award 1994"