Department of Cochinoca

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Departamento Cochinoca (Jujuy - Argentina) .png
Location of Cochinoca in Jujuy (Argentina)
Capital Abra Pampa
population 12111 (2001, INDEC)
surface 7837 km²
Population density 1.5 inhabitants / km²

The Cochinoca Department is one of sixteen administrative units in the Jujuy Province in north-western Argentina . It is located in the northern center of the Jujuy Province. The capital of the department is Abra Pampa .

Cochinoca is bordered by the Yavi department to the north, the Humahuaca and Tumbaya departments to the east, the Salta province to the south and the Susques and Rinconada departments to the west . In the south of the department lies the Laguna de Guayatayoc lake , which is known for its flamingo colonies.

According to the 2001 census, the Cochinoca department has 12,111 inhabitants ( INDEC , 2001). According to estimates by INDEC, the population increased to 13,301 in 2005.


The Spanish conquerors found the Indio peoples of the Casabindos and Cochinocas in the region , who dedicated themselves to mining. Due to the wealth of natural resources, Cochinoca became an economically important settlement within the Argentine puna .

cities and communes

In the Department of Cochinoca there are a total of four municipalities in local self-government:

There are also the following settlements:

Coordinates: 22 ° 42 ′  S , 65 ° 42 ′  W