Rinconada Department

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Rinconada Department (Jujuy - Argentina) .png
Location of Rinconada in Jujuy (Argentina)
Capital Rinconada
population 2,298 (2001, INDEC)
surface 6,407 km²
Population density 0.4 inhabitants / km²

The Rinconada Department is one of 16 administrative units in the Jujuy Province in northwestern Argentina . Rinconada borders in the north on the departments of Santa Catalina and Yavi , in the east on the department Cochinoca , in the south on the department Susques and in the west on Bolivia . The capital of the department is the Rinconada of the same name .


On the territory of the department there are the Lagunas de Vilama or Reserva Provincial Altoandina de la Chinchilla , a group of small lakes on the Argentine puna .


According to the last census, the Rinconada department has 2298 inhabitants ( INDEC , 2001). According to estimates by INDEC, the population increased to 2,430 in 2005.

cities and communes

The Rinconada Department consists of the following municipalities and settlements:

Coordinates: 22 ° 24 ′  S , 66 ° 6 ′  W