German heart report

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The German Heart Report is an analysis of the epidemiology of selected heart diseases as well as cardiological and cardiac surgical care in Germany that spans the outpatient and inpatient sectors of the health system . It appears annually and is an important basis for decision-makers in health policy, hospitals and health insurance companies. For example, Saxony-Anhalt immediately decided to set up a heart attack register after it became known through the heart report that the heart attack mortality rate in this state is well above the national average.

History of origin

The heart report was originally prepared at the instigation of the 59th Conference of Health Ministers . The author and editor of the 23 issues from 1989 to 2011 is Lt. Ministerialrat a. D. Ernst Bruckenberger ( Hanover ), who worked in the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs from 1979 to 2004 as head of department for hospital planning, financing and building planning. After his age-related retirement, the German Heart Foundation took over the publisher's position in 2012 - in cooperation with the medical associations for cardiology ( DGK ), cardiac surgery ( German Society for Thoracic, Cardiovascular Surgery ) and Pediatric Cardiology ( German Society for Pediatric Cardiology ).

The first heart report was published in 1989, at that time still under the title Report of the Hospital Committee of the Working Group of Leading Medical Officials (AGLMB) on the situation of cardiac surgery in 1988 in the Federal Republic of Germany . In the first ten years, the main focus of the report was on cardiac surgical care, which is explained by the original intention - the assessment of the need for cardiac surgery centers - and was also expressed in the title Situation of Cardiac Surgery in Germany .

With the 10th Heart Report published in 1998, transplant surgery in Germany was also included in the analysis for the first time , showing not only heart transplants but also transplants of the lungs , kidneys , liver and pancreas . It was only from the 22nd heart report that the analysis was limited to heart and heart / lung transplants. From the 12th edition, cardiological and pediatric cardiological care was given increasing attention in the heart report.

The heart report editions for the years 2000 to 2010 even contained a three-country comparison of the epidemiology, the structure of services and the performance development of cardiology and heart surgery in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The heart report appears in the second half of the year following the reporting year. Individual editions of the heart report were also published in English. At the beginning of 2015, a short version of the heart report appeared for the first time in the English-language journals Clinical Research in Cardiology (DGK) and The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon (DGTHG).

Since 2016, the heart report has been available to specialist circles in PDF format for the first time.


In the heart report, the frequency (inpatient morbidity ) of selected heart diseases ( acute myocardial infarction , ischemic heart diseases , cardiac insufficiency , cardiac arrhythmias , cardiac valve diseases and congenital malformations of the circulatory system) - based on the inpatients treated - and the mortality from these diseases in Germany, are divided according to Age groups, gender and federal states (place of residence of the patients), shown for the reporting year. In addition, the frequency and mortality rates are also given for the past few years, sometimes for up to three decades, which allows an analysis of the development over time.

In the main part - currently for the reporting year - the medical care situation for cardiological or cardiac surgery outpatients, inpatients and rehabilitation treated patients with selected heart diseases in Germany, the supply and service structure of cardiology, cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiology and pediatric cardiac surgery in the federal states as well as the development of diagnostic and therapeutic achievements in cardiac medicine over the last decades presented and analyzed. In the health care analyzes, mortality and inpatient morbidity for selected heart diseases are specified, sometimes differentiated down to the district level.

In addition - up to the 24th heart report - there were also guest contributions, u. a. on the subject of cardiological rehabilitation as well as on the epidemiology and care of adults with congenital heart defects ( GUCH ).

Data origin

The data presented and analyzed in the heart report may originate from a. from the Federal Statistical Office (Wiesbaden), the statistical offices of the federal states , the physicians' Confederation (Berlin), the German Medical Association (Berlin), the German Pension Fund , the Robert Koch Institute and the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO) and from statistical surveys of the German Society for cardiology - cardiovascular research , the German Society for Thoracic, Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG), the German Society for Pediatric Cardiology (DGPK), the German Society for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases , the AQUA Institute , of the Institute for Quality Assurance and Transparency in Health Care and the author's own surveys.

Latest issue

  • German Heart Foundation V. (Ed.): 30th German Heart Report 2018 . Frankfurt 2018, 252 pages, ISBN 978-3-9817032-7-6 .

It can be requested free of charge on the website (see below).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Deutsches Ärzteblatt : Heart Diseases: There are still supply differences between the countries , January 15, 2013
  2. a b Rainer Klawki: 24th heart report: Fewer and fewer fatal infarcts , Medscape Germany , January 21, 2013
  3. Katrin Löwe: Saxony-Anhalt is building a heart register , Mitteldeutsche Zeitung , January 16, 2013
  4. REHSA - The Regional Heart Attack Register Saxony-Anhalt , Research Portal Saxony-Anhalt , accessed on February 24, 2016
  5. a b Ernst Bruckenberger: Heart Report 1997 (PDF; 1.6 MB) , July 1998
  6. Ernst Bruckenberger: Report of the hospital committee of the working group of leading medical officials (AGLMB) on the situation of cardiac surgery in 1988 in the Federal Republic of Germany (PDF; 44 kB) , October 1989
  7. Ernst Bruckenberger: Heart Report 2005 (PDF; 260 kB) , p. 1, October 2006
  8. Cardiology / Heart Surgery , Bruckenberger website
  9. Ernst Bruckenberger: Heart Report 2009 (PDF; 2.2 MB) , p. III, October 2010
  10. ^ Ernst Bruckenberger: Heart report 1999 , August 2000
  11. Ernst Bruckenberger: 13th heart report 2000 with transplant surgery , August 2001
  12. z. B. the State of cardiac surgery in Germany 1995. 8th Report of the Hospital Committee, Working Group of Leading Health Officials, 1997 (PDF; 539 kB) and the Heart Report 2002 - Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, 2004 (PDF; 340 kB)
  13. T. Meinertz et al .: German Heart Report 2013 , Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015; 63 (02): pp. 86-96 doi : 10.1055 / s-0034-1399762
  14. ^ T. Meinertz et al .: German Heart Report 2013 , Clin Res Cardiol 2015; 104 (2): pp. 112-123. doi : 10.1007 / s00392-014-0799-7