Didymodon giganteus

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Didymodon giganteus
Didymodon giganteus (a, 145614-473018) 0208.JPG

Didymodon giganteus

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Pottiales
Family : Pottiaceae
Genre : Didymodon
Type : Didymodon giganteus
Scientific name
Didymodon giganteus
( Funck ) Jur.

Didymodon giganteus (German names are Large double tooth moss and sea-green double toothed Moss ) is a moss -Art from the family pottiaceae .


The moss forms loose, up to 15 centimeters high, brown-green to red-brown cushioned lawn. The leaves are curly dry, strongly bent back when moist. They are narrowed from a broad ovoid base into a narrow lanceolate tip. The leaf margins are whole and rolled up at the bottom, the red-brown leaf vein extends to the tip of the leaf. The lamina cells are partly rounded at the top, partly triangular to pentagonal or star-shaped, papilose and always very thick-walled, at the bottom elongated, spotted and strongly irregularly bulged.

Sporophytes are unknown.

Didymodon giganteus differs from other species of the genus in the size of the plants and in the lamina cells with strongly bulged, thickened cell walls.


The species has long been in the monotypic genus Geheebia Schimp. listed as Geheebia gigantea (Funck) Boulay. According to results from molecular systematic studies, it is now assigned to the genus Didymodon .

Distribution and location requirements

Didymodon giganteus occurs in Europe, Asia and North America. In Central Europe, the moss is fairly widespread in the limestone Alps , here it rises up to the alpine level and grows in fresh to moist, light-rich to partially shaded places on stony soils, marl, limestone, dolomite and calcareous silicate rock. Earlier occurrences in limestone bogs in the Alpine foothills are almost extinct.


Web links

Commons : Didymodon giganteus  - album with pictures, videos and audio files