Diego Fusaro

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Diego Fusaro (2013)

Diego Fusaro (born June 15, 1983 in Turin ) is an Italian philosopher and lecturer in the philosophy of history .

In his writings, Fusaro takes up Karl Marx 's thoughts from a neo-Hegelian , neo-idealist perspective. He combines criticism of the capitalist system with elements that stem from the currents of communitarianism and sovereignty . He tries to bring to the fore the contradictions inherent in the capitalist system and the postmodern human constitution. Fusaro's research interests focus on the formulation and practice of a critical history of ideas , understood as a discipline that diachronically focuses on the discontinuities that arise in the transmission of the cultural and symbolic forms of a given culture, synchronously across the connection that are characteristic of every historical period between the cultural code and thought on the one hand and the material conditions of production and power on the other. The aim of this discipline is to show this complex network of connections, with the emphasis on this exchange zone between ideas and reality, conceptual and socio-political constellations. In this regard, Fusaro's research includes, on the one hand, the study of the authors who tried to develop a method for the history of ideas, metaphors and concepts ( Foucault , Blumenberg , Koselleck ) and, on the other hand, the origins and semantic modifications of the concept of history since antiquity. He is currently also focusing on German idealism .


Study and teaching

Fusaro graduated from the state-classical high school Vittorio Alfieri in Turin and completed his studies with a degree in philosophy of history and then with a master's in history of modern philosophy with Karl Marx at the University of Turin. After completing his PhD in philosophy of history at the University of Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan , he was a temporary type A researcher in philosophy of history at the same university from 2011 to 2016. In February 2016, he held a seminar on the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci at Harvard University . He is currently a teacher at the Institute for High Strategic and Political Studies in Milan, where he works as a doctoral lecturer in metaphysics.

further activities

Since 2000 he has been the curator of the Filosofico.net website. and since June 20, 2015 he has written a blog for the Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano . In March 2017 he founded the cultural association and the magazine L'Interesse Nazionale together with Giuseppe Azzinari and Ivan Rizzi, the President of the IASSP in Milan . For a short time, he also wrote for the weekly newspaper Tempi. Since January 2018 he has been head of the Lampi del Pensiero section on Affaritaliani.it and, since May of the same year, of the weekly section La ragion populista on Il Primato Nazionale , the official magazine of the neo-fascist party CasaPound . In 2019 he is running for mayor in the local elections of Gioia Tauro with the Lista Risorgimento Meridionale per l'Italia , which gives him just 2.84% of the vote and takes last place. On September 14, 2019 he founded the Vox Italia party , a party that unites right-wing values ​​and ideas of the left and is supposed to adhere to a sovereign, populist and socialist orientation. In the Italian media, Fusaro is considered a pioneer and pioneer of the alliance between Movimento 5 Stelle and Lega Nord, which has since broken up again .

Political positions

Fusaro sees himself as an “independent student” of thinkers like Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx , while he prefers Antonio Gramsci and Giovanni Gentile among the Italians and mentions Baruch Spinoza and Johann Gottlieb Fichte among the modernists , always taking into account the Greek origins of philosophy . He also deals with the history of ideas and among the authors examined by Fusaro are Reinhart Koselleck , Hans Blumenberg and, just mentioned, Karl Marx, Georg WF Hegel, Antonio Gramsci, Giovanni Gentile, Baruch Spinoza and Johann G. Fichte.

In his publications he dealt with Marx's thoughts from the perspective of German idealism and combines elements of the communitarian and sovereign tradition with the criticism of capitalism . He follows the philosophical footsteps of the Italian philosopher Costanzo Preve .

Fusaro, who sees himself as a “Marxist thinker”, is classified by historian Steven Forti as one of the main promoters of red-brown theories in Italy. He also supported the anti-vaccination movement.

Fusaro also expresses himself critical of gender ideology in his book Pensare altrimenti . He takes the view that gender theory, just like capitalism and the European and American elites, wants to destroy the social differences between men and women and dissolve the family, which in his eyes is the last source of support for the individual. He calls for an inherent right to housing and is often critical of the international banking system, which does not allow individuals to do so. He sees the euro as a method of transnational government that imposes favorable neoliberal and austerity policies on Germany and finances capital.

In collaboration with the CasaPound magazine Il Primato Nazionale, in relation to current migration phenomena , Fusaro also affirms that a supranational maneuver is taking place to achieve two goals, namely lowering citizens' wages and undermining the rights of workers by building one of Marx circumscribed industrial reserve army .

With regard to the latter, it would correspond to the logic of capital to transform humans into a being without any identity or roots in order to be able to shape and migrate as needed. Fusaro also claims that capitalism wants to turn all citizens into migrants.

Fusaro sees the exit from the euro as the only chance to regain national sovereignty and sees the debates on the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Italian parliament as a diversionary maneuver , the aim of which is to divert attention from the social issue to the individual Direct rights. Since, in his view, Europe consists of nothing but US colonies, one should "decouple from America and join the Eurasian bloc" .

With regard to Gramsci himself, Fusaro is a staunch defender of the meridionalist theses on the southern Italian question and takes a revisionist stance towards the Italian Risorgimento . He claims that southern Italy has been a victim of neo-colonialism in the past and continues to do so today.

His book Again Marx: The Return of the Revolution was translated into German by Jenny Perelli.


  • Filosofia e speranza. Ernst Bloch e Karl Löwith interpreti di Marx , Il Prato, 2005.
  • La farmacia di Epicuro. La filosofia come terapia dell'anima , Il Prato, 2006.
  • Marx e l'atomismo greco. All radici del materialismo storico , Il Prato, 2007.
  • Karl Marx e la schiavitù salariata. Uno studio sul lato cattivo della storia , Il Prato, 2007.
  • Bentornato Marx! Rinascita di un pensiero rivoluzionario , Bompiani, 2009.
  • Eat senza tempo. Accelerazione della storia e della vita , Bompiani, 2010.
  • Minima mercatalia. Filosofia e capitalismo , Bompiani, 2012.
  • L'orizzonte in movimento. Modernità e futuro in Reinhart Koselleck , Il Mulino, 2012.
  • Coraggio , Cortina, 2012.
  • Idealismo e prassi. Fichte, Marx e Gentile , Il Melangolo, 2013.
  • Pensiero in rivolta. Dissidenza e spirito di scissione , Barney, 2014 (con Lorenzo Vitelli, Sebastiano Caputo)
  • The future is nostro. Filosofia dell'azione , Bompiani, 2014.
  • Spruce e l'anarchia del commercio. Genesi e sviluppo del concetto di "Stato commerciale chiuso" , Il Melangolo, 2014.
  • Antonio Gramsci. La passione di essere nel mondo , Feltrinelli, 2015.
  • Europa e capitalismo. Per riaprire il futuro , Mimesis, 2015.
  • Spruce e la compiuta peccaminosità. Filosofia della storia e critica del presente nei “ Basic features” , Il Melangolo, 2017.
  • Pensare altrimenti. Filosofia del dissenso , Einaudi, 2017.
  • Storia e coscienza del precariato , Bompiani, 2018.
  • Il nuovo ordine erotico. Elogio dell'amore e della famiglia , Rizzoli, 2018.
  • Processo alla Rivoluzione Russa , Il Ponte Vecchio, 2018 (con Marcello Flores, Maurizio Ridolfi, Luciano Canfora)
  • Marx idealista. Per una lettura eretica del materialismo storico , Mimesis, 2018.
  • La notte del mondo. Marx, Heidegger e il tecnocapitalismo , UTET, 2019.
  • Glebalizzazione. La lotta di classe al tempo del populismo , Rizzoli, 2019.

Translations and comments

  • Karl Marx, difference tra le filosofie della natura di Democrito e di Epicuro , Bompiani, 2004. A cura di Diego Fusaro.
  • Karl Marx, La questione ebraica , Bompiani, 2007. A cura di Diego Fusaro.
  • Democrito , Raccolta dei frammenti, interpretazione e commentario , Bompiani, 2007. Traduzione di Diego Fusaro.
  • Luciano di Samosata , Tutti gli scritti , Bompiani, 2007. Introduzione, note e apparati di Diego Fusaro.
  • Karl Marx, Lavoro salariato e capitale , Bompiani, 2008. A cura di Diego Fusaro.
  • Karl Marx, Forme di produione precapitalistiche , Bompiani, 2009. A cura di Diego Fusaro.
  • Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels, Manifesto e princìpi del comunismo , Bompiani, 2009. A cura di Diego Fusaro.
  • Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels, Ideologia Tedesca , Bompiani, 2011. A cura di Diego Fusaro.
  • Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Missione del dotto , Bompiani, 2013. A cura di Diego Fusaro.
  • Epicuro , Il piacere di vivere , AlboVersorio, 2013. A cura di Diego Fusaro.

Works published in German

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b The Pertinent Press: The Pertinent Press. Retrieved March 13, 2020 (American English).
  2. Diego Fusaro - ESE. September 27, 2018, accessed March 13, 2020 .
  3. ^ Fabrizio Simone: Diego Fusaro arriva al Teatro Giordano. In: Foggia ZON. December 2, 2017, accessed March 13, 2020 (it-IT).
  4. ^ A b Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. December 3, 2013, accessed March 13, 2020 .
  5. ^ Diego Fusaro, Università San Raffaele, Milano. Retrieved March 13, 2020 .
  6. ^ RAI Cultura - Filosofia. Retrieved March 13, 2020 (Italian).
  7. ^ Diego Fusaro, Il Fatto Quotidiano. Retrieved March 13, 2020 (it-IT).
  8. L'Interesse Nazionale. In: Diego Fusaro. Retrieved March 13, 2020 (it-IT).
  9. Diego Fusaro passa dal marxismo 2.0 alla rivista più vicina ai cattolici conservatori di CL. In: Giornalettismo. July 17, 2017, accessed March 13, 2020 (it-IT).
  10. Chiude Tempi, licenziamento immediacy per redazione e dipendenti. November 24, 2017, accessed March 13, 2020 (Italian).
  11. ^ Diego Fusaro, la conversione del filosofo comunista: scriverà per la rivista di estrema destra. Retrieved March 13, 2020 (Italian).
  12. Gioia Tauro risultati elezioni comunali 2019. Retrieved on March 13, 2020 .
  13. Diego Fusaro scende in campo: l'ultima idea per colmare "il vuoto del sovranismo-populista di sinistra". Retrieved March 13, 2020 (Italian).
  14. ^ Danijel Majic: Conference at right-wing extremist fraternity: Why the "New Right" meets in Marburg. In: hessenschau.de | News from Hessen. October 25, 2019, accessed March 15, 2020 .
  15. a b c d Anti-capitalist cross front. Retrieved March 13, 2020 .
  16. idea di rottura, apparentemente controcorrente che fanno since sponda vivace e pulsante al governo del cambiamento. Fusaro ad esempio sostiene che il razzismo viene utilizzato dal potere "come arma di distrazione di massa so da distogliere il nostro sguardo dalla contraddizione classista di tipo capitalista e mondialista che non viene nemmeno più nominata". Ma non mancano contraddizioni e assurdità. Retrieved March 13, 2020 (Italian).
  17. ^ Diego Fusaro, Il "Capitale" di Karl Marx. Un trionfo dell'idealismo tedesco , Consorzio Festivalfilosofia, 2013, ISBN 978-88-6703-025-5 .
  18. ^ Ritratto di Diego Fusaro, il filosofo populista. April 23, 2018, accessed March 13, 2020 (Italian).
  19. In memoria di Preve. Retrieved March 13, 2020 .
  20. a b c d Un fantasma si aggira per l'Italia: il rossobrunismo. In: Rolling Stone Italia. September 20, 2018, accessed March 13, 2020 (it-IT).
  21. a b Italian philosopher Diego Fusaro: "Capitalism wants to turn all citizens into migrants". Retrieved March 13, 2020 .
  22. Diego Fusaro - Again Marx - A book from Westend Verlag. In: Westend Verlag GmbH. Retrieved March 13, 2020 (German).