This rigorous life

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Original title This rigorous life
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1983
length 100 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Vadim Glowna
script Vadim Glowna
production Luggi Waldleitner
Vadim Glowna
music Peer ravens
camera Martin Schäfer
cut Helga Borsche

This rigorous life is a German drama film directed by Vadim Glowna in the summer of 1982 in Texas with the Spanish Ángela Molina in the lead role.


Somewhere during the 1960s in a godforsaken corner of the USA, in the dusty south, where only the sun is shining and everyone else dreams of getting out of here as soon as possible. Heat, dirt and boredom determine everyday life in a desolate nest where two German emigrant families landed a few decades ago and have not been able to leave here since. Your dreams of unlimited freedom in the “Golden West” have long been blown away by the desert wind that sets the daily rhythm here. Only the young people hope that one day they will find a different form of life than this one, which has the “charm” of a terminus, a dead end. But their rebellion needs a spark that will glow one day ...

At the center of the action are Rosa and Joseph, who love each other. But she plays a cruel game with him, because one day when he protects her from a rapist and kills him in the process, Rosa lets Joseph run into the open knife and does not help him when he is unjustifiably convicted of murder. Now Rosa has gained a bit of freedom, especially since she can take over Joseph's gas station. The chance to leave this wasteland behind once and for all is offered one day by a trucker who makes a stop here. When she decides to go away with him, Joseph suddenly returns. Only one thing drives him: revenge. Emotions that have been pent up for a long time within the clans and between their individual protagonists threaten to explode the powder keg. In the end, the gas station is on fire, and Rosa and Joseph finally have a reason to leave everything behind and set off into an uncertain future.

Production notes

This rigorous life was filmed in El Paso and the surrounding area from July 14, 1982 , and was shown in German cinemas on March 10, 1983.

Originally the film was to Nothing Left to Lose (Nothing to lose) are called, a line of text from the song Me and Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin .

Vera Chekhova and director Glowna were married to each other at the time.


"Dies rigorous life" by Vadim Glowna is the third German applicant for the Golden Bear. And Glowna (as in his first directorial film "Desperado City") promises "pure cinema, without message, without instruction". That means, for a German, of course: American cinema. Glowna's main characters ... are of German origin, but his setting in the Texas desert near El Paso is an all-American cinema location - a godforsaken highway intersection with a gas station, snack bar, brothel, car cemetery - and between girls in thin clothes and sweaty, greasy oil-shining girls American cinema passion flickers truck drivers, always close to the explosion. This is no longer the season of suicides, rather the return of the slogan: Break what breaks you - ... Glowna thunders his entire scenery into the air. His film ends with a utopian final image, a couple of lovers walking towards a fresh future - but that too is "pure cinema", a longing quote from the end of Chaplin's "Modern Times". "

- Der Spiegel , No. 8 of February 21, 1983

“A shabby gas station, a shabby wooden house, a shabby RV brothel in the middle of the Texas desert. Not a tree, not a bush, just telegraph poles, a highway intersection; Dust and sand. A couple of Germans live here who emigrated in the 1930s, looking for a better life. The old are tired of life, the young want to leave. This is the situation. She doesn't change. Only at the end ... everything blows up, and the two young lovers walk hand in hand on the country road towards the horizon. Vadim Glowna's second film has the courage to be pathos. That aroused laughter at the Berlinale, where it premiered. Wrongly. Because it's not the story of the film that is interesting, but its images. You memorize yourself. The unbearable heat is just as present as the lust of young Rosa (Angela Molina) or the proud melancholy of Joey (Jerzy Radziwilowicz). Hatred, passion, love, grief and the myth-laden landscape dominate the film more than its story. The bus goes to “Eternity”, the sister (Vera Chekhova) sleeps with her brother, the old Indian plays the saxophone and speaks the moving sentence: “I have never slept with a woman, and not with a man and not with an animal. “There are many strange sentences, many beautiful pictures in this film. It's a little crazy, not quite balanced in its rhythm and absolutely sentimental. So very good. "

- Die Zeit , edition of March 18, 1983

“In a secluded desert exile, the last members of two German-Jewish emigrant families get caught up in a vortex of passions: rape, murder, destruction. The film offers a quasi-lexical collection of the set pieces of American cinema without deriving a convincing drama of time. Formally, the actor Vadim Glowna works in his second directorial work with astonishing visual ideas and sensitive blues music. "

Individual evidence

  1. See Cinema No. 3/1983, p. 44
  2. ^ This rigorous life in the lexicon of international film Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used

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