Dietrich Frohne

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Dietrich Frohne (born May 27, 1929 in Magdeburg ; † February 16, 2017 in Heikendorf ) was a German pharmacist and author and professor of pharmaceutical biology at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel .


Frohne graduated from the Kiel School of Academics in 1949 . After temporary work at the Institute for World Economics in Kiel and a pharmacy internship, he laid in 1956 after studies of pharmacy at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, the pharmaceutical state examination from.

In 1957 Frohne began to work as an assistant for the pharmacognosy professor Otto Moritz. Frohne completed his dissertation under his guidance until 1960 .

In 1965, after completing his habilitation, he received  the venia legendi for pharmacognosy.

In 1969 he was awarded the Dr. Willmar Schwabe Prize by the Society for Medicinal Plant Research for his research on the urine disinfecting effect of drugs containing arbutin .

In 1970 he received a C3 professorship for pharmaceutical biology at Christian Albrechts University.

Dietrich Frohne was married and the father of four children.

Publications (selection)

  • with B. Braun: Lexicon of medicinal plants for doctors and pharmacists. Stuttgart 1968. [6. Edition under the title: Medicinal plants lexicon: effects, regulation, self-medication. 1994; 7th edition under the title: Medicinal Plant Lexicon: A guide on a scientific basis. 2002; 8th edition (with the collaboration of B. Classen). 2006].
  • Anatomical-Microchemical Drug Analysis: A Guide. Stuttgart u. New York 1969. [3. 1985 edition].
  • with U. Jensen: Systematics of the Plant Kingdom: with special consideration of chemical characteristics and plant drugs. Stuttgart 1973. [5. Stuttgart 1998 edition].
  • with Hans Jürgen Pfänder: Toxic Plants: a manual for pharmacists, doctors, toxicologists and biologists. Stuttgart 1982. [5. Stuttgart 2004 edition].


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