Dicasterial Palace

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Dicasterial Palace in Timișoara, 2006
Another view of the palace, 2007
View from the fountain of the four cardinal points, 2010

The Dicasterial Palace ( Romanian Palatul Dicasterial ) is a listed three-story building on Piața Dr. IC Brătianu of the western Romanian city ​​of Timișoara .


The massive courthouse, built during the city's eclectic architectural period between 1855 and 1860, is impressive with its size and the simplicity of its facades.

The building was originally built as the administrative seat of the government of the Serbia and Temesian Banat Voivodeship . This was proclaimed in 1848 for the areas of Syrmia , Banat , Batschka and Baranya in response to the Hungarian uprising against the Austrian imperial family in the revolution of 1848/49 . In 1860 the Voivodeship of Serbia and Temesian Banat was dissolved again and the political order from before 1848/1850 was restored.

The building in the style of the Italian Neo-Renaissance was modeled on the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence . The palace has three inner courtyards and six gates. With an area of ​​23,500 m², it is the largest public building in the city; Inside there are 273 office rooms and 160 other rooms.

With the term “ Dikasterialpalast ” the Viennese official German used at that time from classical antiquity ; Dicasteries were people's courts in ancient Greece . Today it is the seat of the Court of Justice for Timiș County and some other administrative bodies, as well as financial and law firms.

Web links

Commons : Dikasterialpalast  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. gtztm.ro ( Memento from September 21, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 246 kB), Lista Monumentelor Istorice 2004 of the Timiș County , TM-P-04, in Romanian
  2. other sources mention the years 1850–1854.
  3. Timpolis.ro  ( page no longer available , search in web archives ), Mara Carpencu Pop: Palatul Dicasterial, cladirea de patru strazi , in Romanian@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.timpolis.ro
  4. Tourist-Informator.info , The Dicasterian Palace
  5. ^ Norbert Lewandowski, Kathrin Lauer: Marco Polo Travel Guide Romania (paperback) . 6., update Edition. Mairdumont, Ostfildern 2008, ISBN 978-3-8297-0024-5 , p. 34 .
  6. Rumaenien-Info.at ( Memento from April 5, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), city tourism: Timișoara - Das Kleine Wien
  7. enterface.ro ( memento of July 29, 2012 in the web archive archive.today ), The Palaces from Timisoara , in English

Coordinates: 45 ° 45 ′ 26.6 ″  N , 21 ° 13 ′ 52.4 ″  E