Domenico Rosselli

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Domenico Rosselli , actually Domenico di Giovanni di Bartolomeo Rosselli (* around 1439 in or near Pistoia , † around 1497/98 in Fossombrone ) was an Italian sculptor.


Domenico Rosselli was probably a student of the Florentine sculptor Antonio Rossellino . From 1464 he was registered as a freelance painter in the sculpture guild in Florence . Since his work, unlike that of his contemporaries, was not so much appreciated, he turned his back on Florence in the mid-70s of the 15th century and looked for new tasks in the Marches and Romagna. In 1480 he completed a large Marian altar in Fossombrone , which is one of his most important works. He made chimneys and doors for the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino and window frames for the Palazzo Ducale in Pesaro .

Rosselli is best known for the many Madonna reliefs assigned to him. He repeated individual motifs several times. In contrast to the works of Antonio Rossellino and Desiderio da Settignano , on which he orientated himself throughout his life, he largely dispensed with the decorative backgrounds in his works. His reliefs are very fine and detailed.

Works (selection)


  • Volker Krahn, Italian Renaissance Art in the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum Krefeld , 1987, p. 37 f., ISBN 3-926530-30-8

Web links

Commons : Domenico Rosselli  - collection of images, videos and audio files