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Domitius (feminine form Domitia ) is the noun of the Roman gens Domitia , a plebeian family that has existed since the 4th century BC. . BC is attested. The family consisted of the two lines Ahenobarbus ( Latin bronze beard or red beard ) and Calvinus and occurred especially in the 1st century BC. BC . The later Emperor Nero also belonged to the Domitians until his adoption .

The Ahenobarbi were born in 30 BC. Chr. To patricians .

Belong to the family:


Individual evidence

  1. A list of all Domitians who held offices during the Roman Republic can be found in T. Robert S. Broughton : The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. Vol. 2: 99 BC - 31 BC . Cleveland / Ohio: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1952. Reprinted unchanged 1968. (Philological Monographs. Ed. By the American Philological Association. Vol. 15, Part 2), p. 560