Don Greenwood Junior

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Donald Phillip Greenwood Jr. (born September 26, 1928 in Los Angeles , California - † June 27, 1990 ibid), indicated in the credits as Don Greenwood Jr. , was an American interior propositioner .

He made his debut as an interior propositioner in 1958 in the film The Barbarian and the Geisha . For his work on the film That Was the Wild West , he was nominated for an Oscar in 1964 along with his colleagues George W. Davis , William Ferrari , Addison Hehr , Henry Grace and Jack Mills . Greenwood Jr. worked in both film and television. He was a prop master on the television series Solo for ONCEL (1967), Starsky and Hutch (1979), Trapper John, MD (1979) and The Specialists on the Road (1985–1986). His last job was on two episodes of the Alfred Hitchcock Presents series .

Filmography (selection)

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