Donato Maria dell'Olio

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Cardinal dell'Olio

Donato Maria Cardinal dell'Olio (born December 27, 1847 in Bisceglie , † January 18, 1902 in Benevento ) was an Italian Archbishop and Cardinal of the Roman Church .


The son of Giacinto dell'Olio and Pasqua Augurano entered the seminary in his hometown of Bisceglie as early as 1856, at the age of nine . After his ordination on December 23, 1871, dell'Olio went to Rome , where he studied theology for another two years . One of his lecturers was the later Cardinal Tommaso Maria Zigliara .

After being appointed professor in philosophy and theology in 1876 , dell'Olio moved back to Bisceglie, where he worked as a priest at the local cathedral from 1882. In the same year he founded the seminary institute named after Johannes Bosco "Giovanni Bosco" .

On December 14, 1891, Pope Leo XIII appointed dell'Olio as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Rossano . The episcopal ordination donated him a week later on December 20, 1891 Cardinal Raffaele Monaco La Valletta , Bishop of Ostia e Velletri ; Co- consecrators were Francesco di Paola Satolli , President of the Pontifical Diplomatic Academy , and Archbishop Edmund Stonor . On February 5, 1898, dell'Olios was transferred to Benevento as archbishop .

From March 21, 1898, dell'Olio acted as advisor to the Holy Father. Pope Leo XIII. accepted him in the consistory of April 15, 1901 as a cardinal priest with the titular church Santa Balbina in the college of cardinals .

Donato dell'Olio died without attending a conclave , nine months after his elevation to cardinal, at the age of 54.

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predecessor Office successor
Salvatore Palmieri Archbishop of Rossano
Orazio Mazzella
Camillo Cardinal Siciliano di Rende Archbishop of Benevento
Benedetto Bonazzi