Dora Altmann

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Dora Altmann , née Dora Alrich ( February 20, 1881 in Dresden , Kingdom of Saxony , German Empire ; † December 24, 1971 in New Brunswick , New Jersey , United States ) was a German actress who appeared in film and television in the 1960s and early 1970s played.


She made her television debut in 1961 at the age of 80 as Veronika in The Three Polar Bears . In 1971 she played Grandma Georgina in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory without being named in the credits. Her last television role was as Mrs. Windegger in the episode When Stones Speak of the crime scene series, which was broadcast in 1972. She died on Christmas Eve 1971 at the age of 90 while on vacation in New Brunswick, New Jersey.


She was 1.55 m tall


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