Dora Gerson (medical doctor)

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Dora Gerson (born September 24, 1884 in Aschersleben ; died September 24, 1941 in Hanover ) was a German doctor and housekeeping manager .


Doro Gerson, born in 1884 during the founding of the German Empire, was a member of a family belonging to the Jewish faith . She studied medicine, most recently in Munich and Leipzig . During her studies she converted to Christianity and joined the Protestant Church. After completing her doctorate , she received her medical license in 1912 . Subsequently, she worked as a doctor in the cities of Cologne and Dresden .

In 1933, the year the National Socialists seized power , her health insurance license was withdrawn, so she had to close her practice. In 1936 she went to Hanover and took over the position of housekeeping manager at the Israelite Horticultural School in Ahlem . At the same time she resumed her Jewish faith. In 1940, in the middle of World War II , she received approval from the responsible authorities to provide medical care for the children and young people living in the horticultural school.


On September 24, 1941, on the day of her 57th birthday, a few weeks before the first of eight deportations via the Fischerhof station in Linden-Süd , Dora Gerson committed suicide in Ahlem. She was buried in the Bothfeld Jewish cemetery , where her grave has been preserved to this day.

Dora Gerson Street


After the former Oststadtkrankenhaus was merged with the Siloah Clinic in 2014 and the hospital buildings in the Hanoverian district of Groß-Buchholz were demolished, new development plans for the area with two new access roads were established. For the street names, the various factions of the district council favored names after the doctors Dora Gerson and Rose Senger . The naming should also give a reference to the former hospital location.

In the course of its deliberations on June 1, 2017, the district council for the Buchholz-Kleefeld district unanimously decided to name the western access road that branches off from Pasteurallee and the former hospital grounds as Dora-Gerson-Straße and at the same time that of the street In den Sieben Stücken to give the name of Rose-Senger-Straße branching off to the east.


  • Raimund Dehmlow, Andreas Pagel (Red.): Jewish doctors in Hanover. Remembrance and commemoration. , Hanover: Working group “Fates of Jewish Doctors in Hanover”, 2008, p. 16

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Printed matter No. 15-1312 / 2017: Street naming in the Groß-Buchholz district , application by the state capital of Hanover to the Buchholz-Kleefeld district council from May 15, 2017, with a link to the decision of June 1, 2017 the page
  2. Peter Schulze : Deportations , in: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 124
  3. Madeleine Buck: Groß-Buchholz / Street names at the Oststadtkrankenhaus are fixed / New buildings are being built on the site of the former Oststadtkrankenhaus ... , article on the page of the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung from June 13th, 2017, last accessed on November 8th, 2019