Dorothea von Ritter-Röhr

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Dorothea von Ritter-Röhr (2018)

Dorothea von Ritter-Röhr (also Dorothea Freifrau von Ritter zu Groenesteyn-Röhr or Dorothea Ritter-Röhr; * 1942 in Erfurt ) is a German sociologist and psychoanalyst .

Live and act

Childhood and youth

Dorothea's father died three months before she was born in World War II. The mother ran a gynecological clinic in Erfurt. After the political pressure became too great for mother and daughter, both fled to West Germany in 1959. After graduating from high school, Dorothea von Ritter-Röhr began studying sociology and psychology at the University of Frankfurt . After passing her intermediate diploma, she moved to Marburg and completed her studies with Helge Pross in Gießen in 1971 with a dissertation on “Prostitution in Frankfurt”.

Professional background

After receiving his doctorate, von Ritter-Röhr worked as a research assistant for Horst-Eberhard Richter at the Center for Psychosomatic Medicine at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen . In January 1973 she was appointed lecturer. In addition to teaching in Giessen, the University of Münster gave her a teaching position in medical sociology in the 1973/74 winter semester. At that time, her research interests were in didactics in medical sociology and the relationship between illness and society.

In 1974 von Ritter-Röhr became a member of the "Expert Commission for the preparation of the study on the situation of psychiatry in the FRG - for psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care of the population" ( Psychiatry study ).

In 1976 she was appointed by the Federal Minister for Youth, Family and Health as a full member of the commission to evaluate the experiences with the reformed Section 218 of the Criminal Code .

In 1979 she was appointed acting head of the Medical Sociology Department at the Center for Psychosomatic Medicine at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen.

In the meantime, her interests in group dynamics in theory and practice had awakened. In this role she was a member of the faculty of lecturers at the Hernstein Institute for Corporate Management and gave group dynamics seminars at the University of Giessen. In addition, she worked as a supervisor and organizational consultant in hospitals, as well as in other areas of the private sector.

She had been interested in the connection between the individual, group and institution since her first semester at Adorno. In 1999 she founded the first interdisciplinary quality circle in Giessen.

Von Ritter-Röhr has had his own practice since 1981. She was one of the pioneers in the field of quality management in the health system , which she was particularly interested in in the context of medical sociology. She worked as a licensed trainer for the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians for Quality Management and gave seminars. In 2005, your practice was the first Gießen psychotherapeutic practice to be certified according to ISO 9001: 2000 . She was also a lecturer at the Horst Eberhard Richter Institute in Giessen. On October 19, 2018, she and six other women founded the “Omas gegen Rechts Gießen” initiative. Within the first month the group grew to more than 100 members.

In addition to her professional activity, she appeared on radio and television. She was a guest as a psychoanalyst on the WDR broadcast by Carmen Thomas Hallo OB Van . In 1975/76 she had her own program on Hessian television with the title “How would you have done it”. Conflicting family situations were presented through role-playing in order to develop solutions. Reno Nonsens and Edith Hancke took on the role of the children. The parents were recruited from the audience.

TV appearances (selection)

  • 1971: Scientific advice for the film "Prostitution" by Thilo Koch
  • January 30, 1975 - November 25, 1976 Own program on HR3 broadcast on ARD "How would you have done it?" (With Edith Hancke and Reno Nonsens )
  • May 29, 1991 Appearance on Dagobert Lindlaus ARD talk show "Veranda" on the subject of strong women
  • February 29, 1996 Appearance on the talk show Ilona Christen
  • February 23 and March 9, 1995 Appearance on Margarethe Schreinemakers (talk show)
  • 0June 5, 1997 Appearance at Hessenschau on the subject of cosmetic surgery
  • July 19, 2013 Appearance at Hessenschau
  • 30. May 2017 Hessenschau "Hesse's oldest female pilot"
  • August 15, 2017 in the article "Rote Baronin" Sat.1


  • Prostitution. An empirical study on deviant sexual behavior and social discrimination , Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1972, DNB 720214742 .
  • Sociological Aspects of Heart Attack. Medical practice, vol. XXV, No. 13, 1973.
  • Women in managerial positions . International Journal of Education, No. 1, Vol.XIX, 1973.
  • Prostitution . Postoral anthropological dictionary, Vienna: Herder 1974.
  • The doctor, his patient and society . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1975, ISBN 978-3-518-00746-4 .
  • Medicine-sociology . Schattauer, Stuttgart 1976, ISBN 978-3-7945-0552-4 .
  • Introduction to the subject of “group phenomena” In: Group analytical excursions . Springer, Berlin 1988, ISBN 978-3-540-18735-6 , pp. 24-35.
  • Peter Heintel u. a. (Ed.): Woman and group dynamics . In: Group Dynamics: History and Future . WUV, Vienna 1996, ISBN 978-3-85114-247-1 , pp. 289-294.
  • D. von Ritter-Röhr u. B. Pesendorfer (ed.): The generation conflict today . In: Denkstoff , B. Pesendorfer (Ed.), St. Gallen 1997, ISBN 978-3-906771-11-3 .
  • Men - women - T group . In: concerns TEAM. Peter Heintel (Ed.), VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 978-3-531-16260-7 , pp. 251-258.
  • The prostitutes as a social “outgroup” . In: Psychosomatics through the ages. Johannes Kruse u. a. (Ed.), Gießen 2012, ISBN 978-3-8379-2258-5 , pp. 79-98.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich W. Stallberg: Prostitution . In: Günter Albrecht, Axel Groenemeyer (ed.): Handbook of social problems . 2nd Edition. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, ISBN 978-3-531-32117-2 , pp. 904-923, 910 .
  2. - your newspaper for Giessen and the surrounding area: Giessener »Omas gegen Rechts«: Just don't look away | Giessener Allgemeine Zeitung. Retrieved November 26, 2018 .
  3. Gießener Anzeiger Verlags GmbH & Co KG: Protest: In Gießen, too, “Grandmas Against Right” are now showing their colors. Retrieved November 26, 2018 .