Anglo-Dutch War (1672–1674)

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Third Anglo-Dutch War
The battle of Texel
The battle of Texel
date March 13, 1672 to February 19, 1674
place North Sea , New York Province , Saint Helena
Casus Belli English attack on Dutch merchant ships
output Dutch victory
consequences After being briefly retaken, Nieuw Nederland finally goes to England
Peace treaty Peace of Westminster (1674)
Parties to the conflict

Republic of the Seven United ProvincesRepublic of the Seven United Provinces United Netherlands Denmark-Norway

England kingdomKingdom of England England France
France Kingdom 1792France 


Republic of the Seven United ProvincesRepublic of the Seven United Provinces Michiel de Ruyter Adriaen Banckert Willem Joseph van Ghent
Republic of the Seven United ProvincesRepublic of the Seven United Provinces
Republic of the Seven United ProvincesRepublic of the Seven United Provinces

England kingdomKingdom of England Charles II. James II. Edward Montagu Louis XIV. Jean II. D'Estrées
England kingdomKingdom of England
England kingdomKingdom of England
France Kingdom 1792France
France Kingdom 1792France

Troop strength
120 warships 150 warships

Over 2,000 dead
2 warships lost
2 warships captured

Over 2,000 dead
1 warship lost
12 warships captured

The Third Anglo-Dutch War was a military conflict between the Kingdom of England and the United Provinces of the Netherlands from 1672 to 1674.

It was the third war in a series of Anglo-Dutch naval wars in the 17th and 18th centuries. Century and part of the Franco-Dutch War , also known as the Dutch War , which lasted from 1672 to 1678 .

Merlin incident

As the English parliament refused to go to war against the Netherlands, King Charles II had an incident staged to influence public opinion in England against the Dutch. Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington said, "We had to break with them but make them guilty". Bennet sailed the royal yacht Merlin , with Dorothy Osborne , the wife of an English diplomat on board, on August 24, 1671 through the Dutch fleet anchored at Brill . The Dutch ships greeted them with flags, as required in the peace treaty, but not with white smoke, as they were not sure whether the Merlin was considered a warship. The King demanded that the States General severely punish the responsible admirals, which they refused and thus provided a reason for war.


The main battles of the war

The dispute was mainly about the economic interests of the English royal family, which in 1670 had allied themselves with the Kingdom of France against the United Netherlands in the secret Treaty of Dover . Both states attacked in the spring of 1672 and the war soon developed into a pan-European conflict.

Preparations to provoke the Dutch into a new war also included the appointment of Robert Holmes to command in Portsmouth, where he had a strong squadron with the 90-gun flagship “St. Michael “commanded. On March 13, 1672, Holmes received permission to attack the Dutch Smyrna convoy heading for Holland . For two days the armed merchant ships and their escort under Cornelis Evertsen fought a fierce battle with the English squadron - the booty, however, was rather small.

Michiel de Ruyter was in command of the Dutch fleet. He was victorious in 1672 in the naval battle of Solebay and in 1673 in the first and second naval battles of Schooneveld and in the naval battle of Texel .

After the unsuccessful sea ​​battles for the British, the English parliament finally forced King Charles II to conclude peace. With the peace of Westminster , England departed on February 9th July. / February 19, 1674 greg. without profits from the war.

Other events

The war between the Netherlands and France lasted until 1679. In July 1674, a Dutch fleet of 18 ships under de Ruyter went to the Caribbean. The attempt to land in Martinique on July 20 was repulsed by the French.

In December 1675, a Dutch fleet of 15 ships under de Ruyter went into the Mediterranean to help the Spaniards defend Sicily against the French. There were further naval battles there in 1676: the naval battle of Stromboli , the naval battle of Augusta , in which Michiel de Ruyter was fatally wounded, and the naval battle of Palermo against the superior French fleet under Admiral Abraham Duquesne . In 1677 the Battle of Tobago took place in the Caribbean .

Web links


  • Charles Ralph Boxer: The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th Century , Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London 1974.
  • Roger Hainsworth / Christine Churchers: The Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars 1652–1674 , Sutton Publishing Limited, Thrupp / Stroud / Gloucestershire 1998. ISBN 0-7509-1787-3
  • James R. Jones: The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century , Longman House, London / New York 1996. ISBN 0-582-05631-4
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power on History 1660–1812 , Herford 1967.
  • Alexander Meurer: History of naval warfare in outline , Leipzig 1942.
  • Heinz Neukirchen: Sea power in the mirror of history , Berlin 1982. ISBN 3-8112-0368-1

Individual evidence

  1. ^ [1] D. Marley: Wars of the Americas. P. 179