Eberhard Dähne

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Eberhard Dähne (born August 28, 1938 in Bad Freienwalde ; † April 21, 2010 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German social scientist , SDS chairman, trade unionist and Hessian local politician .


Eberhard Dähne left the GDR in 1953 . After graduating from high school in Hamburg, he completed an agricultural apprenticeship from 1957 to 1959, which he completed with the assistant test. In 1959 he began studying at the agricultural faculty at Kiel University . In 1960/61 he was group chairman of the SDS in Kiel and ring leader of the Socialist Youth of Germany - The Falcons . He joined the SPD . In 1961/62 he was federal chairman of the Socialist German Student Union, from which the SPD separated in November 1961. Eberhard Dähne was from the SPD in 1962 excluded . In the same year he completed his studies with a degree in agriculture.

From 1963 to 1967 he was administrator of a scientific assistant position at the University of Marburg , from 1968 to 1972 Dähne was a lecturer in statistics at the Faculty of Social Sciences and head of the Institute for Social Science Research (ISF) in Marburg, which he co-founded and which is known for empirical regional studies has been. In 1972 Dähne received his doctorate in Marburg as a sociologist with investigations into the structure and development of the tertiary sector in the Federal Republic with special consideration of the banking and insurance industry .

From 1973 to 1989 Eberhard Dähne worked at the Institute for Marxist Studies and Research in Frankfurt am Main, among other things in the fields of class analysis, trade union, company and local politics. In 1972 he became a member of the DKP . 1972 to 1979 Dähne was a city councilor of the DKP in Marburg. From 1969 to 1980 he was chairman of the Marburg-Biedenkopf local association of the trade union trade, banks and insurance (HBV), today ver.di and a member of the DGB district board. In 1989 he left the DKP. Since 1990 he has worked as a freelance journalist, speaker and expert. 2001–2006 Eberhard Dähne was an independent city councilor on the list of the PDS in Frankfurt / Main .


  • (with Reinhard Welteke): Aspects and perspectives of the social and economic structure in the Herford district . Marburg 1965.
  • On some methodological problems of regional research in the social sciences. Preliminary investigation C within the project "Ergonomic structural problems of productivity development" . Marburg 1967.
  • (with Franziska Wiethold ): Development problems in the East Friesland region and its labor market . Marburg 1970.
  • (with Klaus Dieckhoff and Hans Schmidt): Problem study: Development problems of the regional action area Schleswig-Dithmarschen with special consideration of the labor market , 2 volumes. Marburg 1971.
  • (with Hubert Beringmeier): Salzgitter 1980/85. Socio-economic structural features and development problems of Salzgitters with special consideration of the labor market . 3 vols. Marburg 1971.
  • Investigations into the structure and development of the tertiary sector in the FRG with special consideration of the banking and insurance industry ; Marburg / Lahn: Association for Social Science Research e. V., 1972.
  • (Co-author) Inflation Today: Winners and Losers . Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Marxistische Blätter, 1972.
  • (Co-author) Class and social structure of the FRG 1950–1970 , Part II: Social statistical analysis , Frankfurt am Main: IMSF, 1973.
  • (Ed.) Companies under the microscope. A manual . Frankfurt am Main: Nachrichten Verlag, 1975
  • (with Klaus Priester ), working conditions and union struggle . Frankfurt / M .: IMSF, 1978.
  • On the current development of consumer prices […]; in: Marxist Studies. IMSF Yearbook, 1 (1978), pp. 164-191.
  • (with Jörg Dieckhoff) Materials on the Development of Income […] , in: Marxistische Studien, 2 (1979), pp. 187–244.
  • Economic and social problems of cities and communities ; in: Marxistische Studien, 4 (1981), pp. 260-275.
  • Class structure and rule […] , in: Marxistische Studien, 9 (1985) II, pp. 265–287
  • (with Barbara Bunge) Armor kills in peace. Materials on the costs and consequences of the arms race, on the costs of the military in the FRG 1979–1984 . Frankfurt am Main: IMSF, 1983.
  • (Co-author) Marburg. An illustrated city history. Economy and culture, poor and stately, folly and erudition from 850 years. With a tour of the city . Marburg (Lahn): Publishing House Labor Movement and Social Science, 1985
  • (Ed.): Community people. Handbook for an alternative local policy practice . Cologne: Pahl-Rugenstein-Verlag, ²1986.
  • The army of the revolution and the emergence of modern war . In: The French Revolution 1789–1989. Revolutionary Theory Today = Marxist Studies, 14 (1988), pp. 159–177.
  • Gardeners of the future . Frankfurt am Main 1992.
  • On the importance of the automotive supply industry for Central Hesse. Risks and opportunities . Marburg 1993.
  • (with Margret Steen): The freedom and the apple wine turned out well this year . Frankfurt am Main 1999.

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