Eckhard von Manteuffel

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Eckhard von Manteuffel , also Eggert or Eghard (* ~ 1442 probably in Arnhausen ; † 1515 ), was knight and councilor of the dukes of Pomerania-Wolgast .


Eckhard was a scion of the Polzin and Arnhausen tribe of the Manteuffel family . His parents were Gerhard von Manteuffel, Herr auf Polzin, Arnhausen and Biziker , and Katharine von Kamecke adH Biziker.

Between 1461 and 1481 Eckhard was court advisor to the dukes Erich and Wartislaw von Pommern-Wolgast. In 1484 he and all members of the Manteuffel family from the two tribes Polzin, Arnhausen and Kölpin were on the army expedition of Duke Bogislaw X. to Braunschweig , before he was listed as a knight in 1491 and as a councilor to Duke Bogislaw X. in 1494 . In 1496 he accompanied Bogislaw via Venice and Padua to Jerusalem , where the Duke was knighted by the Holy Sepulcher . On September 10, 1479 Eckhard was enfeoffed by the Duke with Arnhausen and Polzin , in 1488 he received his fiefdom for this . Between 1481 and 1496 Eckhard appeared frequently as a ducal witness, in 1496 he was one of the Herzögicher commissioners in the trial of Schire von Kleist .


In his first marriage, Manteuffel married a daughter of the Massow adH Woblanse family . Manteuffel had two children with her:

  1. Katharine von Manteuffel, ⚭ Henning von Glasenapp (* before 1480, † after 1519), governor of Schlawe and captain of Belgard .
  2. Gerhard von Manteuffel.

With his second wife, Gertrud von Borcke adH Wangerin , Manteuffel had eight children:

  1. Konrad (also Kurth ) von Manteuffel († ~ 1535), episcopal councilor and councilor of Stolp , ⚭ 1529 Elisabeth von Kleist adH Muttrin .
  2. Erasmus von Manteuffel (* around 1475, † 1544), Bishop of Cammin .
  3. Joachim von Manteuffel.
  4. Nikolaus von Manteuffel († ~ 1488).
  5. Karsten von Manteuffel († 1518, ▭ Kolberg Cathedral).
  6. Priska from Manteuffel.
  7. Henning von Manteuffel.
  8. Sophia von Manteuffel, ⚭I Asmus von Massow, ⚭II Andreas von Münchow .


  • Georg Schmidt : The family of Manteuffel - Polzin and Arnhausen tribe of the Pomeranian sex . Berlin 1915.