Edgar Franke

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Edgar Franke

Edgar Konrad Hartmut Franke (born January 21, 1960 in Gudensberg ) is a German politician ( SPD ) and lawyer. He has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2009 . In the 18th legislative term he was chairman of the Committee on Health . In the 19th electoral term , in addition to his parliamentary mandate, he took over the office of the Federal Government's Victims Commissioner at the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection .

education and profession

Edgar Franke grew up as the son of the member of the state parliament and district administrator August Franke in Haldorf in northern Hesse (since 1972 part of Edermünde ). After graduating from the Albert Schweitzer School in Kassel and doing his community service at the District Association of Workers' Welfare in Kassel, he studied Politics and Law in Marburg and Gießen and passed the 1st state law examination at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen and the 2nd legal state examination at the regional court in Kassel. He did his doctorate on the subject of the Hessian municipal committees between position under municipal constitutional law and municipal practice under the then President of the Hessian State Court of Justice Klaus Lange in Giessen.

He then worked for a law firm from 1989 and then from 1992 as the head of the “Public Law” group at the Federal Association of Public Accident Insurance Institutions (BAGUV). From 1994 he was provisional chancellor, from 1996 educational director of the education center and founding rector of the University of Statutory Accident Insurance in Bad Hersfeld , where he still holds teaching positions today as a professor. He is the editor of the teaching and practice commentary SGB ​​V II published by Nomos Verlag and author of numerous legal articles. On September 7, 2019, he was awarded the Johann Beckmann Prize for his achievements in connection with the introduction of the Anti-Corruption Act in the healthcare sector by the Dental Technology Employers' Association.

Edgar Franke is widowed and has two daughters.


From 1976 onwards, Franke was politically active in the district executive of the Young Socialists , for which he also entered the student parliament of the Philipps University of Marburg in 1982 . From 1985 he held several municipal political offices in his northern Hessian homeland, first as a community representative in Edermünde and later as deputy mayor of the neighboring city of Gudensberg . There he was elected full-time mayor in 1999. After being re-elected in 2005 with over 90% of the votes cast, he held this office until he was elected to the Bundestag in 2009. He was also on the administrative board of the Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder, in municipal supervisory boards and special-purpose associations, u. a. Active as head of the "Mittleres Emstal" wastewater association, in the representative assembly of the Hessian Accident Fund and in the association assembly of the Hessian State Welfare Association and in various cultural foundations. In addition, Franke is a member of the executive SPD district committee Hessen-Nord (treasurer) and the district council of Schwalm-Eder. Since 2014 he has also been chairman of the SPD sub-district Schwalm-Eder as the successor to Frank-Martin Neupärtl .

In the 2009 Bundestag election , he won 40.3% of the first votes as a directly elected member of the constituency 171 Schwalm-Eder in the German Bundestag, in 2013 he won his constituency again with 42.3% of the first votes. In the 2017 federal election , he succeeded in returning to the 19th German Bundestag as a direct candidate with 37.7% of the first votes .

Franke was the deputy legal policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group until 2013. He is a member of the Legal Committee and the Health Committee , which he chaired in January 2014 until the end of the legislative period. He is a member of the Seeheimer group of speakers in the SPD parliamentary group and is deputy spokesman for the Hessian SPD state group. Since 2018 he has been the Federal Government Commissioner for the concerns of victims and survivors of terrorist offenses in Germany. He is the successor of the former Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Kurt Beck . The now permanent and independent victim ombudsman is based in the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. In addition to this office, he also acts as the deputy spokesman for health policy for the SPD parliamentary group and is a full member of the health committee .

Franke is Vice President of the German Parliamentary Society in Berlin.


Franke is the deputy chairman of the Kurt Schumacher Society and a member of the Europa-Union Deutschland , as well as a member of the German-Turkish Society and the corresponding parliamentary group. Edgar Franke is also deputy chairman of the German – Iranian and a member of the South Caucasian parliamentary group of the German Bundestag. He is also involved in the Evangelical Forum Schwalm-Eder and in the district synod . He works on the advisory board of the Society for Regional Health (GRG), on the advisory board of the DUK pension fund and on the advisory board of the Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder. He is also a member of the AWO , the Verdi union , the German Forest Protection Association and TSV Eintracht Gudensberg. As a member of the advisory board of Youth Against AIDS , Edgar Franke also supports an initiative initiated and led by young people, which conducts “awareness-raising and prevention work at eye level”. He also works on a voluntary basis as a member of the Alexandra Lang Foundation for patient rights.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hessian State Statistical Office: Direct elections in Gudensberg
  2. 2017 Bundestag election in Hesse. Retrieved September 24, 2017 .
  3. ^ Members of the Committee on Health in the 18th electoral term ( Memento from January 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Edgar Franke. In: Website of the Europa-Union Germany. Retrieved August 19, 2020 .
  5. JGA constitutes advisory board. jugend gegenaids.de, September 26, 2014, archived from the original on April 2, 2015 ; accessed on August 31, 2016 .

Web links

Commons : Edgar Franke  - Collection of images, videos and audio files