Edgar Rabsch (music teacher)

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Edgar Rabsch

Edgar Rabsch (born November 1, 1892 in Berlin , † September 4, 1964 in Kiel ) was a German music teacher and composer .


Rabsch, the son of a municipal secretary, initially worked as a primary school teacher and organist, before studying with Georg Schumann . From 1924 he taught as a music teacher at the State Educational Institute in Plön . During this time the young Gottfried von Eine became his pupil. At Rabsch's invitation, Paul Hindemith came to Plön in 1932 and composed his Plön Music Day on the occasion . When the educational institution was converted into a national political educational institution , Rabsch had to leave it. Afterwards he was first a teacher at the Kaiser-Karl-Schule in Itzehoe and in 1936 was appointed lecturer at the University of Teacher Training in Dortmund . In 1937 Rabsch joined the NSDAP (party number 5,494,261). In 1944 he taught at the teacher training college in Hirschberg in the Giant Mountains .

Paul Hindemith campaigned for his reinstatement in the post-war period and wrote on July 15, 1946 from his American exile to his publisher Willy Strecker:

Another unfortunate worm, the Rabsch, lives with seven children in Itzehoe, instantly thrown out of everything because he had to join the party at some point in order not to let his brats starve to death - and if someone was never a Nazi, that's him !

From 1946 to 1958 Rabsch held a professorship at the University of Education in Kiel.

From 1949 Rabsch published a three-volume school vocal work, music . His compositions include the school opera Die Brücke , the opera The Magic Egg , cantatas, songs, instrumental music, organ and piano works. During the time of National Socialism , Rabsch composed various pieces of music, canons and cantatas in line with the regime, such as the 1935 cantata Celebration of Work or the 1937 canon Fahne Auf Sie victorious on the mast . In 1939 the cantata on rural life followed .


  • The Game of the German Bettelmann (E. Wiechert) (Premiere Hamburg 1946)
  • The Magic Egg op.42
  • The plowman. Cantata (1945)
  • German cantata (1932)
  • The bridge. School Opera (1932)
  • Fantasy and Fugue on The Grim Death (1938)
  • Fugue for chamber orchestra
  • Cantata about rural life (1938)
  • Cantata about the mother and the children ( Hans Leip ) (1946)
  • Overture to a comic opera (Premiere Dortmund 1943)
  • Passacaglia and fugue on the chorale Oh, what sinner should I do for organ
  • Who just love God. Partita for piano (1945)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Baumgartner: The great music guide. Music of the 20th Century , Kiesel Verlag 1985, ISBN 3-7023-4005-X , entry on Gottfried von Eine, p. 554.
  2. Thomas Eickhoff: Political Dimensions of a Composer's Biography in the 20th Century: Gottfried von One . In: Supplements to the archive for musicology . tape 43 . Franz Steiner Verlag, 1998, ISBN 3-515-07169-5 , ISSN  0570-6769 , p. 21st ff . (360 p., Limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. Fred K. Prieberg : Handbook of German Musicians 1933–1945 , CD-Rom-Lexikon, Kiel 2004, p. 5.409
  4. Dieter Rexroth (Ed.): Paul Hindemith Briefe. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 1982, ISBN 3-596-22146-3 , p. 242.
  5. Fred K. Prieberg: Handbuch , pp. 5.410-5.411 with further examples
  6. Art. Rabsch, Edgar , in: Kürschner's German Musicians Calendar 1954. Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin 1954, Sp. 996–997.