Eduard Breier

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Eduard Breier, lithograph by Eduard Kaiser , 1848

Eduard Breier (born November 3, 1811 in Ludbreg near Varaždin , Austrian Empire ; died June 3, 1886 in Gaiwitz , Znojmo district , Austria-Hungary ) was an Austrian writer and journalist.


Eduard Breier joined the Austro-Hungarian Army in 1831 , where he served in the Bombardier Corps of the artillery . After completing his military service, he began writing and in 1837 wrote the story The Serbians for a Prague magazine. In just eleven days in 1840 he wrote the novel Der Fluch des Rabbi ; his story series Old and Young Israel dealt with Jewish community life .

In 1847 he took over the editing of the Prager Zeitung , which he directed in a liberal direction. In 1848 he moved to Vienna and worked on the editorial staff of the Viennese satirical magazine Punch , in which he wrote features , among other things . Also in the Wiener Theater Zeitung of Adolf Bäuerle and in the Morning Post published his novels. As a political writer, he founded the Graden Michel in 1862 , which was later renamed Der Freimütige .

Breier was a pronounced prolific writer, which, however, also aroused harsh criticism. So wrote Robert Prutz in Deutsches Museum , Journal of literature, art and public life (1851-1867):

“Mr. Breier is a robust narrator, without any claim to poetry or artistic effect, whose entire endeavor is obviously only directed towards filling a certain number of volumes as quickly as possible and with as little effort as possible. [...] The style is impermissibly bad, even if you count a lot on the carelessness of the typesetter, which is, however, great. "

His complete works finally comprised more than 70 volumes, which, however, had no lasting effect.

This criticized spelling brought Johann Nestroy an unexpected honor on October 14, 1842 : the first act of his play He wants to make a joke was given by the angry audience as compensation for the unsuccessful farce The false English, or: The interrupted engagement , written by Eduard Breier and premiered at the Theater an der Wien .

His daughter was the actress Hermine Breier .


Web links

Wikisource: Eduard Breier  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Michael Kisler (1930–1996): The Theater Mayr. From the Biedermeier diaries of the theater painter Michael Mayr. Edition Roetzer, Vienna / Eisenstadt 1988.