Eduard Schiemann

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Eduard Schiemann ( Russian Эдуард Густавович Шиман ; born May 14, 1885 in Saratow ; † March 16, 1942 in the Soviet Union ) was a German-Russian graphic artist , painter and translator .


Schiemann completed his training as a painter and graphic artist first in Karlsruhe, then from February 1906 in Munich. In 1908 he made the acquaintance of Franziska Gräfin zu Reventlow . He belonged to the circle of the psychoanalyst Otto Gross and the group "Tat" founded by Erich Mühsam in 1909 . In 1911 he designed a cover for the almanac “ Der Blaue Reiter ”, which was rejected by Franz Marc . From 1913 he translated Russian literature into German.

Schiemann's first marriage was to Elsa Specht, the sister of the educationalist Minna Specht . On September 1, 1916, his son, who would later become a science journalist Heinrich Schiemann , was born.

Later Schiemann was director of a drawing school for children of the railroad rajons in Moscow. He made the acquaintance of Wassily Kandinsky , Vladimir Mayakovsky , Boris Pasternak and Viktor Shklowski . In November / December 1917 he took part in an exhibition of the group "Karo-Bube" (Bubnowy Walet). In 1920 he joined the professional association of visual artists and met Elena Liessner . He made linocuts based on Mayakovsky's drawings for " ROSTA ". In June 1920 he moved to Berlin. Here he acquired his own studio and continued to work as an artist.

In his second marriage, he lived with Elena Schiemann (* 1894 in Moscow ), the mother of their son Alexander (* 1925 in Berlin ). Schiemann continuously translated for the Soviet trading company, the Comintern and - after returning to the Soviet Union - until 1935 for the People's Commissariat for Heavy Industry. On July 5, 1941 Eduard Schiemann was arrested in Moscow, accused of espionage and taken to Omsk. On December 23, 1941, he was sentenced to ten years of forced labor and died on March 16, 1942 in a Russian camp. Rehabilitation took place on January 16, 1989.

Translations by Eduard Schiemann

The numerous translations from Russian into German are arranged chronologically according to the year of publication:

  • Tolstoj, Lev N .: Childhood Wisdom: Small Dramat. Scenes from the estate / trans. Eduard Schiemann. Munich, Leipzig: Hans Sachs-Verl., 1913
  • Arcybasev, Michail Petrovic: Jealousy: Drama in five acts / Single, legitimate and authorized transfer from d. Russian by Eduard Schiemann. Munich, Berlin: G. Müller, 1914
  • Ders .: Der Holzklotz and other short stories / translated by Eduard Schiemann. Munich & Leipzig: G. Müller, 1914
  • Schiemann, Eduard: The last step. Novellas by Count AN Tolstoy. The only legitimate and authorized transmission from Russian by Eduard Schiemann. Vol. 1. Munich: G. Müller, 1914
  • Vinnicenko, Volodomir: Honest to yourself: Roman / Translator from d. Small soot. by Eduard Schiemann. Munich: G. Müller, 1914
  • Dybenko, Pavel Efimovic: The rebels: memories from the revolutionary time / Dt. by Eduard Schiemann. Hamburg: Carl Hoym Nachf. Louis Cahnbley, 1923
  • Ivanov, Vsevolod Vjac: Colored winds: narration / Dt. v. Eduard Schiemann. Cover drawing v. Karl Holtz . Hamburg: Carl Hoym Nachf. Louis Cahnbley, 1923
  • Ders .: Armored Train No. 14–69: Story / Dt. v. Eduard Schiemann. Hamburg: Carl Hoym Nachf. Louis Cahnbley, 1923
  • Libedinsky, Jurij Nikolaevic: One week / Dt. v. Eduard Schiemann. Hamburg: Carl Hoym Nachf. Louis Cahnbley, 1923
  • Lenin, Vladimir I .: Letters to Maxim Gorki 1908-1913. Edited / Edited: Kamenov, L .; Schiemann, Eduard. Vienna, Leipzig: Verlag f. Literature and Politics (O. Klemm), 1924
  • Reissner, Larissa Michajlovna: The Front: 1918-1919 / From d. Soot. v. Eduard Schiemann. Vienna: Verl. F. Lit. and Politics, 1924
  • Popov, Aleksandr Serafimovic: The iron stream: Roman / transl. V. Eduard Schiemann. Berlin: New German publisher, 1925
  • Saginian, Marietta Serguona: Mess Mend or The Yankees in Leningrad / Übers v. Eduard Schiemann. Berlin: Neuer deutscher Verlag, 1925_ (Notes: [In addition] Special ed. Ud T .: Marc, Ren. T .: Mess Mend d. Head of the German Cheka)
  • Bykov, PM: The End of the Tsarist Family: The Last Days of the Romanovs; due to unpublished official documents presented / Transfer from d. Soot. v. Eduard Schiemann. Berlin: New German publisher, 1926
  • Reissner, Larissa: October: selected writings. Edited and introduced by Karl Radek. / Authorized translations from Russ. by Eduard Schiemann. Berlin: New Dt. Ed., 1926
  • Trockij, Lev Davydovic: Europe and America: 2 speeches / translated to Russ. v. Eduard Schiemann. Berlin: New Dt. Ed., 1926
  • Serafimovic, Aleksandr Serafimovic [d. i. Aleksandr Serafimovic Popov]: The iron stream: novel from d. Russian Revolution 1917 / transferred from Eduard Schiemann. Berlin: Universum Library for All, 1927
  • Serafimovic, Aleksandr Serafimovic [d. i. Aleksandr Serafimovic Popov reunites with Aleksandr Sergeevic Neverov d. i. Alexander Sergeevic Skrobelev]: The iron stream; Tashkent, the bread-rich city / Aus d. Soot. transfer by Eduard Schiemann. Berlin: New German publisher, 1929
  • Ders .: The iron river / United with Aleksandr Sergeevic Neverov: Tashkent, the bread-rich city: [Roman] / From d. Soot. transfer From Eduard Schiemann. Berlin: Universum Library for All, 1929
  • Neverov, Aleksandr Sergeevic: Tashkent, the bread-rich city / transl. By Maria Einstein. United with Aleksandr Serafimovic: Der eiserne Strom / Übers. By Eduard Schiemann. 2. through Edition Berlin: Neuer Deutscher Verlag, 1929
  • Fadejew, Alexander Aleksandrovic: The last Udehe: Roman / Translator from d. Soot. v. Eduard Schiemann. Vienna, Berlin: Verl. F. Lit. and Politics, (1932)
  • Ders .: The last Udehe: Roman / Übers. V. Eduard Schiemann. Moscow: publishing cooperative foreign. Workers in d. USSR, 1932
  • Scholochow, Michail A .: New territory under the plow: novel / only authoritative. Transfer from d. Soot. v. Eduard Schiemann under editor v. Herwarth Walden. Zurich: Ring-Verl., 1933
  • Furmanov, Dmitrij Andreevic: Tschapajew: Roman / Translated from. Eduard Schiemann. Under Red. Anne Bernfeld. Moscow; Leningrad: Verl.-Genossensch. Foreign Workers in d. USSR, 1934
  • Ders .: Tschapajew: Roman / Translated from. Eduard Schiemann. Under Red. Anne Bernfeld. Zurich: Ring-Verlag, 1934
  • Scholochow, Michail Aleksandrovic: New territory under the plow: novel / sole author. Trans. from d. Soot. by Eduard Schiemann. Moscow [etc.]: Verl.-Genossenschaft Ausländ. Workers in d. USSR, 1934


  • Arnold Schönberg Center: The Blue Rider
  • The Blue Rider in the Lenbachhaus Munich. Catalog of the collection in the municipal gallery. Edited by Rosel Gollek, Munich 1985, 384
  • Dubrovic, Milan: Misappropriated history. Frankfurt a. M .: Fischer 1987, pp. 44, 99ff.
  • Frank, Leonhard: Left where the heart is. Munich: Nymphenburger 1952
  • Hagen, Kuno: Lexicon of Baltic German visual artists. 20th century. Cologne: Science and Politics, 1983, p. 119
  • Inge Hansen-Schaberg : Memory of Minna Specht
  • Jung, Franz: The way down. Leipzig: Reclam 1991, p. 70
  • Liessner, Elena: From my life, in: Wolf, Gerhart, Jürgen Rennert u. Werner Schmidt: Elena Liessner-Blomberg or The Story of the Blue Bird. Berlin: book publ. Der Morgen 1978, pp. 12-78.
  • Linse, Ulrich: Organized Anarchism in the Empire of 1871. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1969, p. 94
  • Lost, Christine: Messages about Minna Specht: Moscow Diary 1927, in: OSO-Hefte. NF 15 (1993), pp. 149-162.
  • Mitzman, Arthur: Anarchism, Espressionism and Psychoanalysis. In: New German Critique. Vol. 10 (1977), pp. 77-104, here p. 84 FN 22
  • Reventlow, Franziska Countess to: “We look each other in the eye, life and me”. Diaries 1895 - 1910. Passau: Stutz, 2006 ISBN 3-88849-208-4
  • Schirn-Kunsthalle, Frankfurt / M. (Ed.): Velikaja utopija. Russkij i sovetskij avantgard 1915-1932. Bern: Bentelli, 1993, p. 819 [Dt. Ed. UdT: The great utopia. Appearance 1992]
  • Werfel, Franz: Barbara or piety. Berlin, Vienna, Leipzig, 1929
  • Windhager, Günther: Leopold Weiss alias Muhammad Asad. From Galicia to Arabia 1900 - 1927. 2nd edition Vienna: Böhlau 2002 ISBN 3-205-99393-4

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