Edvard Lidforss

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Edvard Lidforss (born February 11, 1833 in Mora , † April 9, 1910 in Stockholm ) was a Swedish Romanist , Italianist , Hispanic , Germanist and translator .

life and work

Lidforss studied in Uppsala until 1855 . He then taught in Norrköping and Uppsala, from 1864 in the Pedagogical College for Women in Stockholm. In 1866 he received his doctorate from Emanuel Olde with the work Observations sur l'usage syntaxique de Ronsard et de ses contemporains (Lund 1865) and taught European languages ​​and modern literature in Lund , from 1878 as a full professor. From 1885 he was professor for German studies there. Fredrik Wulff was one of his students .

After his retirement in 1901 he went to Stockholm and was a member of the committee for the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature . For the first award in 1901, he wrote the report on Frédéric Mistral (who did not receive the award until 1904).

Lidforss was particularly known for his award-winning translations of Cervantes ' Don Quixote (1891-1892, 1905) and Dante's Divine Comedy (1902-1903, 1955). He belonged to several Spanish academies.

Edvard Lidforss was the father of the translator Karin Jensen (1866-1928), the botanist Bengt Lidforss (1868-1913), the lawyer and musicologist Erik Lidforss (1870-1938), the author Gärda Lidforss af Geijerstam (1871-1947), as well the dental scholar Hedvig Lidforss-Strömgren (1877–1967).

Other works

  • Tysk grammar. Örebro 1860, 1868
  • Contributions to the knowledge of the use of the subjunctive in German. Uppsala 1862 (45 pages)
  • A survey of the English conjugation. Uppsala 1862 (22 pages)
  • Tyska läs- och skriföfningar. Örebro 1863
  • Fransk språklära för elementarundervisningen. Stockholm 1867
    • Fransk språklära i sammandrag. Stockholm 1871, 1885
  • Noticias lingüísticas. Madrid 1870
  • (Ed.) Il tractato dei mesi di Bonvesin da Riva, milanese. Bologna 1872
  • (Ed.) Choix d'anciens textes français. Lund 1877 (first under the title 7 textes d'ancien français. Lund 1866)
  • (Ed.) José Francisco de Isla : Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas alias Zotes. 2 volumes. Leipzig 1885
  • (Translator) Víctor Balaguer, Romeo and Juliet. Stockholm 1894 (from Catalan)
  • (Ed. And translator) Los Cantares de Myo Cid. Lund 1895-1896, 1902-1903
  • Anatole France . En study. Stockholm 1904
  • Dante. Stockholm 1907
  • Gaston Boissier . En study. Stockholm 1909


  • Lidforss, Volter Edvard . In: John Rosén, Theodor Westrin (ed.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 1st edition. tape 9 : Kristendomen-Lloyd . Gernandts boktryckeri, Stockholm 1885, Sp. 1224-1225 (Swedish, runeberg.org ).
  • Lidforss, Volter Edvard . In: Herman Hofberg, Frithiof Heurlin, Viktor Millqvist, Olof Rubenson (eds.): Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon . 2nd Edition. tape 2 : L – Z, including supplement . Albert Bonniers Verlag, Stockholm 1906, p. 48 (Swedish, runeberg.org ).
  • Sven Björkmann: Le Prix Nobel et Frédéric Mistral. In: Roger Marchal (ed.): L'écrivain et ses institutions. Geneva 2006, pp. 279–294 (here: p. 287)

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