Edward Carstenn

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Edward Carstenn (born July 1, 1886 in Elbing ; † May 19, 1957 in Wetter (Ruhr) ) was a German high school teacher , regional historian and university teacher in Elbing.


The son of a music teacher Carstenn studied philology and history in Kiel and at the University of Königsberg and received his doctorate in 1910 for Dr. phil. with a highly regarded dissertation: Elbing's constitution at the end of the Polish period . The young historian taught at the teachers' seminars in Wongrowitz and Bromberg . Then he became a middle school teacher and from 1923 director of the boys' middle school in Danzig- Neufahrwasser for a good three years . During the academic conversion of teacher training in Prussia in 1926, the school principal from Elbing received a call to Elbing as a lecturer for history and methodology of history teaching at the Pedagogical Academy ( college for teacher training from 1933), since 1928 as a professor. He dealt mainly with West Prussia and its cities Elbing and Danzig . In 1942 he presented his history of the city of Elbing , which was published after several years of research for the 700th anniversary of the city in 1937, as a habilitation thesis in Königsberg. After 1945 he became a teacher again in Wetter an der Ruhr until his retirement in 1951.

Even before the Polish Corridor and the Free City of Danzig came into being after the Treaty of Versailles , Carstenn was a member of the committee for history and geography lessons at the working group of the Danzig teachers. He called for increased school instruction in local history , "so that the down-to-earth can offer the homeless, who are particularly influential today, an effective balance". His views on the (extremely complicated) relations between the Duchy of Prussia , the Prussian Royal Share , the Polish aristocratic republic , the Kingdom of Poland and the Crown of Prussia are folkish ; today some of them are viewed critically. Since 1953 he was a member of the Historical Commission for East and West Prussian State Research . He also belonged to the working group Westphalia and the German East .

The brother Max Carstenn, born in 1888, was a high school teacher in Göttingen and a classical philologist.


  • East and West Prussia. 15 sheets, J. Beltz, Langensalza 1925, DNB 560399200 . (Beltz arc reader)
  • History and Citizenship. R. Oldenbourg, Munich 1930, DNB 579290816 .
  • History of the Ostmark . 3 volumes, Teubner, Leipzig / Berlin 1931–1933, DNB 560017286 .
  • The Prussian Estates and the Kingdom of Poland. (1454-1772). MCV 45 (1937), pp. 75-100
  • History of the Hanseatic City of Elbing . L. Saunier, Elbing 1937, DNB 579290808 . (= Habilitation thesis 1942 in Königsberg)
  • What the street names in Gdańsk tell - old Gdańsk life reflected in the street names. 2., verb. u. probably edition. Danziger Verlagsgesellschaft, 1924, DNB 579019500 . (BiblioBazaar, 2009, ISBN 978-1-116-98517-7 )
  • Elbing, the Hanseatic League and Westphalia. West-Verlag, Essen 1955, DNB 450749398 .
  • Kulm Thorn Elbing - The Hanseatic League and Westphalia. Kammwegverlag, Troisdorf 1956.
  • Elbingen history. West-Verlag, Essen 1951, DNB 450749401 . (Reprint: Hans Werner Hoppe, Hans-Jürgen Schuch (Hrsg.): Elbinger Geschichte. Truso-Verlag, Münster 1982, ISBN 3-88378-013-8 )


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ PO Loew, C. Pletzing, T. Serrier (Ed.): Recovered history. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 3-447-05297-X .
  2. ^ Bömelburg: Between the Polish estates and the Prussian government. 1995, pp. 27, 117.
  3. Old Prussian Biography , Vol. 3, No. 880.