Painting a picture is like growing corn - peasant painting from Nicaragua

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Original title Painting a picture is like growing corn - peasant painting from Nicaragua
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1984
length 21 minutes
Director Karlheinz mouth
script Wolfgang Geier
Karlheinz Mund
production DEFA studio for documentaries
music Carlos Mejía Godoy
camera Wolfgang Dietzel
cut Angela Wendt

Painting a picture is like growing corn - peasant painting from Nicaragua is a documentary film by Karlheinz Mund from 1984 by the DEFA studio for documentaries .


Ernesto Cardenal , a priest and poet from Nicaragua , founded a Christian commune on the Solentiname islands in the 1960s . About 40 painters live and work on the islands. After the success of the Nicaraguan Revolution through Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1979, Cardenal is appointed Minister of Culture of the new Sandinista government. An important concern of his is the promotion of naive lay painters throughout the country, as he had already done on the island of Mancarron in the Solentiname group of the Great Lake of Nicaragua.

Time and again, new naive painters with different themes and views appear in the different regions of the country. The painting peasants tell stories about their social utopias in bold colors and carefree, cheerful figures. This naive art combines the great aesthetic appeal with the lifestyle of a people freed from oppression. The small paintings are complemented by photos and songs of the revolution.

Production and publication

Painting a picture is like growing corn - peasant painting from Nicaragua was shot by the KAG document under the working title peasant painting on ORWO color.

The music was recorded by the Nicaraguan group Carlos Mejia Godoy y Los de Palacaguina .

The first demonstrable performance took place on September 13, 1984 in the series Offers at the Babylon cinema in Berlin . The film was shown for the first time on May 26, 1985 in the first program of GDR television .


After Margit Voss in New Germany , Karlheinz Mund made aware with his film

"What strength and unimagined abilities grow for those people who, free from oppression, can develop their creative possibilities."

Detlef Friedrich says in the Berliner Zeitung : In the film

“We are touched by naive peasant painting from Nicaragua, even more: it makes something conscious. Black figures, soldiers of the former Somoza regime, break this ideal world of images of tropical vegetation and the everyday life of ordinary people. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung of September 1, 1984, p. 12
  2. Neues Deutschland, May 25, 1985, p. 15
  3. Neues Deutschland from October 13, 1984, p. 4
  4. Berliner Zeitung of June 6, 1985, p. 7