A case for KBBG

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Original title A case for KBBG
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2007
length 27 minutes
Director Daniel rocket seal
script Christoph Mathieu
production Nima Kinzad, Katrin Hohedahl
music Kristina Zenk
camera Sebastian Woithe
cut Patricia Testor

Ein Fall für KBBG (also KBBG ) is a German short film by director Daniel Rakete Siegel from 2007. The parody of the youth radio drama series Ein Fall für TKKG was Siegel's thesis at the International Film School in Cologne and was funded by the Filmstiftung NRW .

The film is produced by the International Film School Cologne in coproduction with Fountain of Joy and Love GbR / Cologne in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund .


K arsten, B ecky, B tutu and G were erd in their youth heroes of a radio drama series. Now the young detectives from KBBG have grown up. Karsten struggles as a department store detective and overshoots the target in his methods. He secretly mourns his childhood sweetheart Becky, who meanwhile gets into bed with everyone. Bröckchen and Gerd have also become bizarre losers. Their nemesis gold jacket Schneider, who is released from jail after twenty years, opens up their great opportunity to find their way out of these dead ends. He seeks revenge on KBBG who put him in prison at the time. Karsten seizes the opportunity and brings the troop back together. Little did they know that Goldjacke's plan to kill the boys has Becky as a tool.


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